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Copies of all Section 106 Agreements in relation to LLDC & ODA Planning Applications can be viewed here.
09/01507 - (150 High Street E15) - Deed
09/01746 - (206 to 214 High Street) - Deed
09/01825 - (1 to 4 Park Lane Stratford) - Deed
09/90318/FULODA - (419 Wick Lane E3) - Unilateral Undertaking
09/90012 - (Stratford Regional and International DLR) - Overarching Land Agreement
09/90401/FULODA - (206 Leyton Road E15) - Deed
10/90519/FUMODA - (2 to 12 Stratford High Street) - Deed
10/90290/FUMODA - (Bldg Stratford City Hotel Permission M8 Zone 1 Stratford E15) - Supplemental Deed
10/90285/FUMODA - (Plot N24 Manhattan Lofts Zone 3 Stratford City) - Deed
10/90651/VARODA - (Stratford City Site Zone 2-7) - Deed of Modification 22 January 2014
10/01854 - (Abbey Mills Pumping Station) - Statutory Declaration
11/01655 - (LBN Station Street Variation) - Deed of Variation
11/00737 - (Land Adjacent to Formans Fish Island) - Deed
s106 11 01655 LBN Station Street Variation Deed of Variarton 3 February 2012 part 3 (1).pdf
11/02423 - (Hancock Rd) - Deed - Part 1
11/01655 - (LBN Station Street) - Deed
11/90230/FUMODA - (Supplemented Deed of Planning Revised Mezzanine Retail Floorspace Stratford City)
11/02423 - (Hancock Rd) - Deed - Part 2
11/90325/FULODA - (ODA and Olympic Park Legacy Co Ltd Supplemental Deed)
11/90330/FULODA - (ODA and Olympic Park Legacy Co Ltd Supplemental Deed)
11/90618/FUMODA - (Plot S25, Zone 1, Stratford City ) - Deed of Planning Obligation
11/90619/FUMODA - (68 to 70 Stratford High Street) - Deed of Planning Obligations
11/90621/OUTODA - (Development of land at QEOP) - Deed
12/00066/FUM - (E20 Stadium) - Deed of Planning Obligations Part 1
12/00066/FUM - (E20 Stadium) - Deed of Planning Obligations Part 2
12/00146/FUM - (Chobham Farm) - Deed of Planning Obligations
12/00203/106 - (Poland House 293 to 305 High Street Stratford E15) - Deed of Planning Obligations
12/00165/FUM - (419 Wick Lane Fish Island) - Deed of Planning Obligations
12/00210/OUT - (Neptune Wharf) - Deed of Planning Obligations - Part 1
12/00210/OUT - (Neptune Wharf) - Deed of Planning Obligations - Part 3
12/00210/OUT - (Neptune Wharf) - Deed of Planning Obligations - Part 3
12/00210/OUT - (Neptune Wharf) - Supplemental Deed to S106 Agreement Dated 08.06.23
12/00210/OUT - (Neptune Wharf) - Supplemental Deed to Legal Mortgage Dated 08.06.23
12/00221/FUM - (Land at junction of Great Eastern Road and Angel Lane) - Deed of Planning Obligations
12/00336/LTGOUT - (LBNM Strand East Sugar House Lane) - Deed
12/90164/FUMODA - (419 Wick Lane) - Deed of Planning Obligations
13/00204/FUM - (Monier Road) - Planning Obligation By Deed of Agreement - Part 2
13/00204/FUM - (Monier Road) - Planning Obligation By Deed of Agreement - Part 1
13/00322/FUL - (Telford Holmes Angel Lane) - Planning Obligation By Deed of Agreement
13/00280/FUM - (Vittoria Wharf) - Planning Obligation By Deed of Agreement
13/00404/FUM - (206 to 214 High Street Stratford - Alumino Signed) - Planning Obligation By Deed of Agreement
13/00404/FUM - (206 to 214 High Street Stratford - Freeman Signed) - Planning Obligation By Deed of Agreement
13/00404/FUM - (206 to 214 High Street Stratford - Alumino Signed) - Supplemental Deed
13/00404/FUM - (206 to 214 High Street Stratford - LLDC Signed) - Planning Obligation By Deed of Agreement
13/00404/FUM - (206 to 214 High Street Stratford - Eliasher Signed) - Supplemental Deed
13/00404/FUM - (206 to 214 High Street Stratford - Freeman Signed) - Supplemental Deed
13/00404/FUM - (206 to 214 High Street Stratford - LLDC Signed) - Supplemental Deed
13/00449/FUL - (61 to 63 Wallis Road Hackney) - Planning Obligation By Deed of Agreement
13/00409/REM - (Stratford City Zone 2) - Modification Agreement
13/00534/FUM - (Site Comprising The International Broadcast Centre (IBC)) - Planning Obligation By Deed of Agreement signed iCity
13/00534/FUM - (Site Comprising The International Broadcast Centre (IBC)) - Planning Obligation By Deed of Agreement signed LLDC
13/00534/FUM - (Site Comprising The International Broadcast Centre (IBC)) - Unilateral Undertaking in favour of LPA & iCity pt1
13/00534/FUM - (Site Comprising The International Broadcast Centre (IBC)) - Unilateral Undertaking in favour of LPA & iCity pt2
14/00036/VAR - (LCS Accelerated Delivery - Local Authority) - Unilateral Undertaking
14/00036/VAR - (LCS Accelerated Delivery - Owner) - Unilateral Undertaking
14/00036/VAR - (First Primary School PDZ5 East Wick) - Unilateral Undertaking
14/00036/VAR - (LCS Accelerated Delivery - Plans) - Unilateral Undertaking
14/00043/VAR - (80 to 92 High Street Stratford) - Supplemental Planning Obligation
14/00063/FUL - (1 William Guy Gardens Bromley by Bow E3 3LE) - Planning Obligation By Deed of Agreement
14/00074/FUL - (The Street Stratford City Zone 1) - Planning Obligation By Deed of Agreement
14/00123/COU - (39 Autumn Street E3 2TT) - Planning Obligation By Deed of Agreement
14/00260/FUL - (Land at 4 Roach Road) - Planning Obligation By Agreement
14/00260/FUL - (Land at 4 Roach Road) - Deed of Variation
14/00310/FUL - (Moxy Hotel) - Planning Obligation By Agreement
14/00374/FUL - (1 Smeed Road and 9 to 85 Monier Road E3 2PS) - Planning Obligation By Agreement
14/00422/FUL - (Marshgate) - Planning Obligation By Agreement
14/00439/NMA & 14/00440/NMA - (Chobham Farm Zone 4) - Deed of Agreement to Modify
14/00387/FUL - (80 to 84 and 90b Wallis Road) - Planning Obligation By Agreement
14/00461/NMA - (Primary School East Wick) - Unilateral Undertaking
14/00481/FUL - (The Stitch Zone 2 International Quarter South) - Planning Obligation By Deed of Agreement
15/00123/NMA (Linked to original agreement 13/00204/FUM) - (Monier Road) - Deed of Variation
15/00243/FUL - (East London Science School, Clock Mill and Custom House) - Planning Obligation By Agreement
15/00266/REM - (Chobham Farm Zone 4) Supplemental Deed of Agreement
15/00278/FUL - (Bream Street) - Planning Obligation By Agreement - Part 1
15/00212/FUL - (33 to 35 Monier Road E3) - Planning Obligation By Agreement
15/00296/FUL - (Here East) - Supplemental Planning Obligation By Agreement
15/00278/FUL - (Bream Street) - Planning Obligation By Agreement - Part 2
15/00337/VAR - (Neptune Wharf) - Modification Agreement
15/00338/FUL - (75 to 89 Wallis Road and 59 Berkshire Road) - Planning Obligation By Agreement
15/00358/OUT - (Cherry Park) - Community Infrastructure Levy
15/00358/OUT - (Cherry Park) - Planning Obligation By Agreement
15/00361/FUL - (6 to 7 Park Lane Stratford) - Planning Obligation By Agreement
15/00392/FUL - (Land at Cooks Road Pudding Mill Lane Stratford E15) - Planning Obligation By Agreement - Part 2
15/00392/FUL - (Land at Cooks Road Pudding Mill Lane Stratford E15) - Planning Obligation By Agreement - Part 1
15/00416/FUL - (52 to 54 White Post Lane, Mr Bagel) - Planning Obligation By Agreement
15/00392/FUL - (Land at Cooks Road Pudding Mill Lane Stratford E15) - Planning Obligation By Agreement - Part 3
15/00540/FUL - (24 to 26 White Post Lane) - Planning Obligation By Agreement
15/00446/FUL - (1 to 2 Hepscott Road) - Planning Obligation By Agreement
15/00574/FUL - (Moxy Hotel) - Deed of Variation
15/00598/FUL - (Duncan House) - Planning Obligation By Agreement
16/00003/FUL - (99 Wallis Road Hackney E9 5LN) - Planning Obligation By Agreement
16/00035/FUL & 16/00197/NMA - (Stadium Island Secondary School) - Planning Obligation By Agreement
16/00035/FUL & 16/00197/NMA - (Stadium Island Secondary School - As Local Planning Authority) - Unilateral Undertaking
16/00035/FUL & 16/00197/NMA - (Stadium Island Secondary School - As Owner) - Unilateral U
16/00062/VAR - (PDZ3, QEOP Olympic Stadium) - Deed of Variation
16/00166/OUT - (Site known as Hackney Wick Central) - Unilateral Undertaking
16/00355/FUL - (Land South of City Mill River) - Planning Obligation by Agreement
16/00451/OUT - (McGrath Site) - Planning Obligation By Agreement
16/00451/OUT McGrath Site Deed of Variation Dated 12 December 2023.pdf
16/00467/VAR - (80 to 84 and 90b Wallis Road) - Deed of Variation
16/00685/FUL (415 Wick Lane) Planning Obligations by Agreement
17/00112/FUL - (55 to 69 Rothbury Road E9 5HA) - Planning Obligation By Agreement
17/00200/106 - (Deed of Variation 52 to 54 White Post Lane) - Deed of Variation
17/00201/106 - (Deed of Variation 24 to 26 White Post Lane) - Deed of Variation
17/00007/FUL - (Land Adjacent to 1-7 Dace Road) - Planning Obligation By Agreement (Please Note due to the large file size this document may take some time to open or download)
17/00227/VAR - (Monier Road West Fish Island) - Deed of Modification
17/00235/OUT - (LCS, Second 73 and UCL - TfL) - Agreement
17/00235/OUT - (LCS, Second 73 and UCL - UCL) - Planning Obligation By Agreement
17/00225/FUL - (Trego Road London E9 5HJ) - Planning Obligation By Agreement
17/00235/OUT - (LCS, Second 73 and UCL - In Favour of the Owner of the Developer's Land) - Unilateral Undertaking
17/00235/OUT - (LCS, Second 73 and UCL - LLDC as LPA & TfL) - Unilateral Undertaking
s106 17 00235 OUT Deed of Variation LCS Second 73 and UCL 165 pages UCLE Landowner UU 03 May 2018.pdf
17/00344/FUL - (Imperial Street, Bromley By Bow) - Supplemental Deed
17/00364/FUL - (Clock House and Access House B-B-B E3 3EA, Danescroft) - Planning Obligation By Agreement
17/00344/FUL - (Imperial Street, Bromley By Bow) - Planning Obligation By Agreement
17/00669/VAR - (Marshgate Lane) - Section 106 Deed of Variation
18/00095/FUL - (Iceland Wharf, Iceland Road, E3 2JP) - Planning Obligation By Agreement
18/00103/FUL - (International Broadcast Centre (IBC)) - Second Supplemental Planning Obligation By Agreement
18/00293/FUL - (11 Burford Road E15 2ST) - Planning Obligation By Agreement
18/00304/DOV - (52 to 54 White Post Lane) - Second Deed of Variation
18/00485/VAR (411-415 Wick Lane) Deed of Variation to 16/00685/FUL dated 17 June 2021
19/00004/FUL - (34-38 Wallis Road, London, E9 5LH) Planning Obligation By Agreement
19/00030/REM - (Neptune Wharf Phase 3, Wyke Road, Wansbeck Road, Fish Island, London, E3 2PL) Deed of Variation (12/00210/OUT)
19/00185/FUL - (Former Truman Brewery, Units 1 - 6, Stour Road, London, E3 2NT) Planning Obligation By Agreement
19/00294/NMA - (1-7 Dace Road, Fish Island, London, E3 2NG) Deed of Variation (16/00462/FUL)
19/00307/DOV - (1-7 Dace Road, Fish Island, London, E3 2NG) Deed of Variation (16/00462/FUL
19/00308/DOV - (1-7 Dace Road, Fish Island, London, E3 2NG) Deed of Variation (16/00462/FUL
20/00004/DOV - (Imperial Street, Bromley By Bow) Deed of Modification (17/00364/FUL
20/00060/VAR - (Olympic Stadium) Deed of Variation
20/00112/FUL - (Queensway House) Planning Obligation By Agreement
20_00146_OUT S106 15 June 2021 LLDC.pdf
20/00146/OUT - (Plot S10 International Quarter) Planning Obligation By Agreement Signed Newham
20/00146/OUT - (Plot S10 International Quarter) Planning Obligation By Agreement Signed LLDC
20/00287/DOV - (75-89 Wallis Road) Deed of Variation
20/00307/FUL - (Land adjacent to Vulcan Wharf) Planning Obligation by Agreement Part 1
20/00307/FUL - (Land adjacent to Vulcan Wharf) Planning Obligation by Agreement Part 2
20/00307/FUL - (Land adjacent to Vulcan Wharf) Planning Obligation by Agreement Part 3
20/00310/FUL - (Poland House) Planning Obligation By Agreement
20/00307/FUL - (Land adjacent to Vulcan Wharf) Planning Obligation by Agreement Part 5
20/00197/NMA - (Land comprised within Planning Delivery Zone 4 (Sweetwater) and Planning Delivery Zone 5 (East Wick)) Unilateral Undertaking (11/90621/OUTODA
21/00035/NMA - (Cherry Park, Stratford City Zone 1) Unilateral Undertaking
21/00121/DOV - (80-84 Wallis Road) Deed of Variation (14/00387/FUL
21/00193/FUL (Building 85, Sugar House Island, Stratford) Unilateral Undertaking
21/00253/DOV - (Chobham Farm Zone 3) - Deed of Variation (19/00473/REM)
21/00395/FUL - (Land at Legacy Wharf) Planning Obligation By Agreement
21/00414/NMA - (IQL S1 S11) - Fifth Modification Agreement (10/90641/EXTODA) Signed Newham
21/00414/NMA - (IQL S1 S11) - Fifth Modification Agreement (10/90641/EXTODA) Signed LLDC
21/00414/NMA - (IQL S1 S11) - Fifth Modification Agreement (10/90641/EXTODA) Signed IQL + TFL
21/00416/FUL (IQL S1 & S11) Planning Obligation By Agreement signed Newham
21/00416/FUL (IQL S1 & S11) Planning Obligation By Agreement signed LLDC
21/00416/FUL (IQL S1 & S11) Planning Obligation By Agreement signed IQL + TFL Part1
21/00416/FUL (IQL S1 & S11) Planning Obligation By Agreement signed IQL + TFL Part2
21/00416/FUL (IQL S1 & S11) Planning Obligation By Agreement signed IQL + TFL Part3
21/00455/FUL - (Marshgate Business Centre, Marshgate Lane) Planning Obligation By Agreement
21/00460/FUL (Land at Legacy Wharf (Phase 3), Barbers Road, Pudding Mill) Planning Obligation by Agreement
21/00483/FUL - (2 Jubilee House and Broadway House) Planning Obligation By Agreement
21/00543/FUL - (James Riley Point) Unilateral Undertaking
21/00543/FUL - (James Riley Point) Planning Obligation By Agreement
21/00567/DOV (80-84 Wallis Road) Deed Modification (14/00387/FUL)
21/00574/OUT - (Pudding Mill Lane Development) Unilateral Undertaking
22/00028/DOV - (Olympic Stadium) Deed of Variation
22/00098/FUL - (302-312 High Street Stratford) Planning Obligation by Agreement
22/00095/REM - (Hackney Wick Masterplan Plot E/F, Plot J East and Plot K2 North) Planning Obligation by Agreement
22/00178/FUL (Land Adjacent to Meridian Steps) Planning Obligation by Agreement - LDC Portfolio Counterpart
22/00178/FUL (Land Adjacent to Meridian Steps) Planning Obligation by Agreement - Westfield Counterpart
22/00178/FUL (Land Adjacent to Meridian Steps) Planning Obligation by Agreement - NR Counterpart
22/00178/FUL (Land Adjacent to Meridian Steps) Planning Obligation by Agreement - LLDC Counterpart
22/00216/VAR - (Pudding Mill Lane Development) Unilateral Undertaking PML Landowner (to reflect Pudding Mill Lane Development 21/00574/OUT)
22/00216/VAR - (Pudding Mill Lane Development) Unilateral Undertaking LCS Landowner (to reflect Pudding Mill Lane Development 21/00574/OUT)
22/00216/VAR - (Pudding Mill Lane Development) Agreement Signed by LLDC & TFL
22/00216/VAR - (Pudding Mill Lane Development) Unilateral Undertaking (to reflect the Pudding Mill Lane Development 21/00574/OUT) Part1
22/00216/VAR - (Pudding Mill Lane Development) Unilateral Undertaking (to reflect the Pudding Mill Lane Development 21/00574/OUT) Part2
22/00216/VAR - (Pudding Mill Lane Development) Unilateral Undertaking (to reflect the Pudding Mill Lane Development 21/00574/OUT) Part3
22/00216/VAR - (Pudding Mill Lane Development) Unilateral Undertaking (to reflect the Pudding Mill Lane Development 21/00574/OUT) Part4
22/00216/VAR - (Pudding Mill Lane Development) Unilateral Undertaking (to reflect the Pudding Mill Lane Development 21/00574/OUT) Part6
22/00216/VAR - (Pudding Mill Lane Development) Unilateral Undertaking (to reflect the Pudding Mill Lane Development 21/00574/OUT) Part5
22/00216/VAR - (Pudding Mill Lane Development) Unilateral Undertaking (to reflect the Pudding Mill Lane Development 21/00574/OUT) Part7
22/00267/FUL - (Piano Works, Stour Road) Signed by LLDC
22/00267/FUL - (Piano Works, Stour Road) Signed by Stour Road and the Prices
22/00432/DOV (Stratford International Bus Layover Site) Deed of Variation (19/00391/FUL)
23/00033/DOV - (Former Truman Brewery, Units 1-6 Stour Road) Deed of Variation Executed LLDC
23/00033/DOV - (Former Truman Brewery, Units 1-6 Stour Road) Deed of Variation Executed Investec Bank
23/00101/FUL (Plot N16 Zone 3 Stratford City) Planning Obligation by Agreement
23/00131/DOV & 23/00144/DOV - (Former Truman Brewery, Units 1-6 Stour Road) Deed of Variation Dated 30-Aug-23
23/00300/FUL (55 Rothbury Rd) Planning Obligation by Agreement
23/00406/FUL (616 Wick Lane S106) Obligation by Agreement
23/00421/DOV (Chobham Farm Zone 5) Deed Modification (12/00146/FUM)
23/00441/FUL (IQL North) Planning Obligation by Agreement - ABC Counterpart
23/00441/FUL (IQL North) Planning Obligation by Agreement - Hadley Counterpart
23/00441/FUL (IQL North) Planning Obligation by Agreement - HPG Counterpart
23/00441/FUL (IQL North) Planning Obligation by Agreement - LJ Special Counterpart
23/00441/FUL (IQL North) Planning Obligation by Agreement - LLDC Counterpart
23/00442/FUL (Bridge House, 320, High Street, Stratford) Planning Obligation By Agreement
23/00457/FUL (Former Gasworks Site, Rick Roberts Way, Stratford) Planning Obligation By Agreement Part1
23/00457/FUL (Former Gasworks Site, Rick Roberts Way, Stratford) Planning Obligation By Agreement Part2
23/00457/FUL (Former Gasworks Site, Rick Roberts Way, Stratford) Planning Obligation By Agreement Part3
23/00457/FUL (Former Gasworks Site, Rick Roberts Way, Stratford) Planning Obligation By Agreement Part4
23/00457/FUL (Former Gasworks Site, Rick Roberts Way, Stratford) Planning Obligation By Agreement Part5
23/00457/FUL (Former Gasworks Site, Rick Roberts Way, Stratford) Planning Obligation By Agreement Part6
23/00457/FUL (Former Gasworks Site, Rick Roberts Way, Stratford) Planning Obligation By Agreement Part7
23/00457/FUL (Former Gasworks Site, Rick Roberts Way, Stratford) Planning Obligation By Agreement Part8
23/00457/FUL (Former Gasworks Site, Rick Roberts Way, Stratford) Planning Obligation By Agreement Part9f
24/00021/FUL (115-119 Wallis Road) Planning Obligation by Agreement
24/00061/FUL (75 Wise Road) Planning Obligation By Agreement
24/00063/FUL (Land Know as Chobham Farm North) Planning Obligation by Agreement
24/00067/REM (Stratford Waterfront) GLA Unilateral Undertaking
24/00067/REM (Stratford Waterfront) Landowner Unilateral Undertaking
24/00067/REM (Stratford Waterfront) LPA Unilateral Undertaking
24/00086/VAR (Hackney Wick Masterplan - 55 Rothbury Road) LPA Unilateral Undertaking (16/00166/OUT)
24/00086/VAR (Hackney Wick Masterplan - 55 Rothbury Road) Landowner Unilateral Undertaking (16/00166/OUT)
24/00113/FUL (Westfield Car Park, Plot M2) Planning Obligation by Agreement
24_00115_VAR (Newham PDZ 6, 8A, 8B, 12) Landowner Unilateral Undertaking (11/90621/OUTODA)
24_00115_VAR (Newham PDZ 6, 8A, 8B, 12) LPA Unilateral Undertaking (11/90621/OUTODA)
24/00116/VAR (Hackney PDZ5) Landowner Unilateral Undertaking (11/90621/OUTODA)
24/00116/VAR (Hackney PDZ5) LPA Unilateral Undertaking (11/90621/OUTODA)
24/00117/VAR (Tower Hamlets PDZ4) Landowner Unilateral Undertaking (11/90621/OUTODA)
24/00117/VAR (Tower Hamlets PDZ4) LPA Unilateral Undertaking (11/90621/OUTODA)
24/00263/VAR (Pudding Mill Lane, ABBA) Unilateral Undertaking (19/00592/FUL)
24/00280/DOV (Land bounded by Hepscott Road and Rothbury Road, TSVC Building) Deed of Variation (17/00222/FUL)
24/00328/DOV (London Stadium) Deed of Variation (20/00060/VAR)
24/00359/DOV (Land at Legacy Wharf (Phase 2), Barbers Road, Pudding Mill, London) Deed of Variation (21/00395/FUL) Part1.pdf
25/00359/DOV (Land at Legacy Wharf (Phase 2), Barbers Road, Pudding Mill, London) (21/00395/FUL) Part2
24/00361/DOV (25 Trego Road) Deed of Variation (17/00225/FUL)
24/00369/DOV (UCL East Site) Deed of Variation (17/00235/OUT)
24/00372/DOV (Plot S1/S11, International Quarter London (IQL) South, Westfield Avenue, Stratford) Deed of Variation (21/00416/OUT)