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Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park is a place like no other. Beyond the world-class sporting venues and attractions, it's a place where locals and tourists alike can visit and enjoy for years to come.
Read our press releases, see videos and images or download our media pack to learn how the Park has developed and discover the facts and figures that make this corner of London truly unique.
If you want to request a specific image, you can contact the Press Office by calling +44 (0) 20 3734 9010, which is staffed 24/7, or emailing press@queenelizabetholympicpark.co.uk, which is staffed during office hours only. Please note this is for media enquiries only and the press office cannot deal with general enquiries about the Park, venues and attractions from visitors.
For general enquiries, please contact our customer service helpline on 0800 0722 110 (helpline hours are 8am to 8pm), or email customerservices@queenelizabetholympicpark.co.uk
For detail of all our venues and attractions visit our contact us page.
Press releases
A full history of our press releases from 2010 to the current day.
Press packs
Download our press packs which contain images, facts and figures about Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park and East Bank.
Listen to the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park Podcast.
Images and video
We have a range of assets are available for media use.
Stage an event
Whether orchestrating a grand-scale event, igniting a brand activation, or curating an intimate gathering, the Park stands as an unparalleled destination, adept at accommodating organizers and audiences across a spectrum of event types and sizes.
Filming on the Park
The Park provides an incredible setting, featuring a diverse range of options, including renowned Olympic and Paralympic venues both indoors and outdoors, expansive parklands, highways, and even a multi-level parking facility. Additionally, we offer flexible choices for unit bases.