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Environmental sustainability
Sustainability and the environment were at the heart of London’s successful bid for the 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games. The London Legacy Development Corporation respects these promises and are creating sustainable neighbourhoods relevant to the world’s changing climate.
Vision and aims
London Legacy Development Corporation has a vision to deliver a pioneering model of urban regeneration, including providing sustainable infrastructure that allows people to live low carbon, resource efficient and healthy lifestyles. Placemaking at Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park involves people and nature with the backdrop of a changing climate. We are committed to the Mayor’s response to the Climate Emergency which is for London to be Zero Carbon by 2030. All our carbon reduction efforts are aligned with the Mayor’s Zero Carbon Action Plan to limit global warming by 1.5°.
Our approach to achieving our sustainability vision is set out in our Climate Action Strategy which provides greater details on our commitments and targets.
Monitoring and reporting
Each year we produce our annual sustainability report Your Park Our Planet. These reports reflect our continued commitment to environmental sustainability at Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park as set out in Your Sustainability Guide to Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park 2030. These reports present a summary of achievements and progress made under our seven key environmental themes during each annual reporting period according to our stated targets and policy commitments.
The most recent reports can be found below:
LLDC Environmental Sustainability Report 2015/16
LLDC Environmental Sustainability Report 2016/17
LLDC Environmental Sustainability Report 2017/18
LLDC Environmental Sustainability Report 2018/19
LLDC Environmental Sustainability Report 2019/20