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The Freedom of Information Act 2000 gives the public the right to request information held by the London Legacy Development Corporation unless there are good reasons to keep it confidential. The Act aims to ensure that public sector bodies are open and accountable and encompasses any recorded information.
The Environmental Information Regulations 2004 provides a similar public right to access, and relates to environmental information held by public authorities.
If you wish to make a request for information held by the London Legacy Development Corporation you do not need to know which Act applies; we will determine the most appropriate legislative procedures for your particular request.
For more information on the Freedom of Information Act and Environmental Information Regulations please visit the Information Commissioner’s Office website.
Publication Scheme
The Freedom of Information Act requires the London Legacy Development Corporation to have an approved publication scheme in order to provide easy access to certain types of commonly requested information. Please check the Publication Scheme before you make a request.
Visit the London Legacy Development Corporation Publication Scheme.
Also, all of our responses are published on our website, with personal data redacted where appropriate. Please check our Disclosure log before you make a request.
Visit the London Legacy Development Corporation Disclosure Log.
If you cannot find the information you are looking for in our Publication Scheme, please request the information in writing and submit to the following email address: foi@londonlegacy.co.uk
Requests will be handled within the statutory time limit of 20 working days as set out in the Freedom of Information Act 2000. Please be as specific as possible with your request and remember that you must provide contact details for where you would like the information to be sent to, although this can be an email address.
Any enquiries should also pay due regard to the Legacy Corporation's duty of care to its workforce to ensure they are free from harassment in accordance with the Equalities Act 2010. Strong or abusive language included within requests will not be tolerated.
Although you may request any information that we hold, there are some exemptions under the Acts which mean we may not be able to provide the information you require. If we decide that we cannot release the information requested, we will explain our reasons why and the exemption used under the Acts.
It is London Legacy Development Corporation policy to provide the first £35 free and to charge the full cost above that level. The schedule of costs is as follows:
Printing and photocopying – A4: 10p
Printing and photocopying – A3, colour: 20p
Printing and photocopying – Special formats: Charged at cost
CD: £2.00
DVD: £5.00
Conversion to/from electronic formats, e.g. scanning, microform, VHS: Charged at cost
If you are not satisfied with the response you have received, you have the right to appeal. On receipt of an appeal, arrangements will be made for a formal review and you will be notified of the review panel’s decision in writing. It is therefore necessary that you supply us with your current contact information so we are able to get in touch with you during the process.
The Deputy Chief Executive will be responsible for the review and will be advised by a Review Panel.
Complaints will be acknowledged within two working days of receipt.
Where the outcome of the complaint is that procedures were not followed correctly, the London Legacy Development Corporation will take steps to prevent such errors occurring in future.
Complaints received more than two months after the initial decision will not be considered.
Complaints relating to requests which are handled under the Environmental Information Regulations are known as ‘representations’. The Corporation will adopt the same process for reviewing these complaints. However, under the Environmental Information Regulations, representations must be made within 40 working days of the date on which you believe we failed to comply with the Regulations.
If you are still not satisfied with our reply then you can take your complaint further by contacting the Information Commissioner’s Office
Contact us
Should you have a query about any of the above information or making an FOI request, please contact our Freedom of Information Coordinator via email at foi@londonlegacy.co.uk or by calling 020 3288 1800.
Our postal address is:
London Legacy Development Corporation
Level 9
5 Endeavour Square
E20 1JN
E20 Stadium FOI
E20 Stadium LLP is covered by the Freedom of Information Act 2000. Requests to E20 are managed by the Legacy Corporation. To lodge an information request email: foi@londonlegacy.co.uk and mention "E20 FOI" in the subject field and, if possible, at the top of the email.
The postal address is:
E20 Stadium LLP
FOI request
Level 9
5 Endeavour Square
E20 1JN
If you are unsure if it is E20 or the Legacy Corporation that holds the information you are requesting, both parties can be mentioned in the request and the party that holds the information will respond. More information on E20 Stadium LLP is available on their webpage: E20 Stadium
Last updated
1 August 2022