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We publish all Freedom of Information and Environmental Information Regulation requests that we have responded to. Any personal information has been redacted.
24-001. Apprenticeship information_LLDC response_Redacted.pdf
24-002. MSG emails_LLDC response_Redacted.pdf
24-004. Kiosk 1 Tenders_LLDC response_Redacted.pdf
24-004. Kiosk 1 Tenders_Annex A_Redacted.pdf
24-004. Kiosk 1 Tenders_Annex B_Redacted.pdf
24-004. Kiosk 1 Tenders_Annex C.pdf
24-005. Void vacant social housing_LLDC response_Redacted.pdf
24-006. Post Olympic debt_LLDC response_Redacted.pdf
24-007. Brownfield sites & housing_LLDC response_Redacted.pdf
24-008. QEOP AI computer CCTV_LLDC response_Redacted.pdf
24-009. FEC calculation_LLDC response_Redacted.pdf
24-010. Central House enforcement_LLDC response_Redacted.pdf
24-010. Central House Enforcement_LLDC Internal Review.pdf
24-010. Central House Enforcement_LLDC Internal Review Emails.pdf
24-011. 3 Mills plans_LLDC response_Redacted.pdf
24-011. 3 Mills_Annex A_Redacted.pdf
24-012. QEOP FEC Calculation_LLDC response_Redacted.pdf
24-012. QEOP FEC Calculation_Annex A.pdf
24-012. QEOP FEC Calculation_Annex B_0.pdf
24-012. QEOP FEC Calculation_Annex C.pdf
24-012. QEOP FEC Calculation_Annex D.pdf
24-012. QEOP FEC Calculation_Annex E.pdf
24-012. QEOP FEC Calculation_Annex F.pdf
24-012. QEOP FEC Calculation_Annex G.pdf
24-013. PPDT policy plan app refunds_LLDC response_Redacted.pdf
24-014. Spending on statutory notices_LLDC response_Redacted.pdf
24-015. Affordable workspace planning obligations_LLDC response_Redacted.pdf
24-016. London Aquatics Centre contract_LLDC response_redacted.pdf
24-016. London Aquatics Centre contract_Annex A_redacted.pdf
24-016. London Aquatics Centre contract_Annex B_redacted reduced_0.pdf
24-016. London Aquatics Centre contract_Annex C_redacted.pdf
24-018. Authority borrowing_LLDC response_Redacted.pdf
24-019. LAC parking governance_LLDC response_Redacted_0.pdf
24-020. Stadium financial costs_Annex A.pdf
24-020. Stadium financial costs_LLDC response_Redacted.pdf
24-021. Chobham Manor Park Boundary_follow up_Redacted.pdf
24-021. Chobham Manor Park Boundary_LLDC response_Redacted.pdf
24-022. IT resources_Annex A.pdf
24-022. IT resources_LLDC response_Redacted.pdf
24-023. WHU Community Plan_LLDC response_Redacted.pdf
24-024. E20 Access Control contract_LLDC response_Redacted.pdf
24-025. Planning application refunds_LLDC response_Redacted.pdf
24-025. Planning application refunds_Annex A.xlsx
24-026. Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) compliance_LLDC response_Redacted_0.pdf
24-027. Leeside Lock ph 2 accessibility_LLDC response_Redacted.pdf
24-027. Leeside Lock ph 2 accessibility_Annex A_redacted.pdf
24-028. Revenue generated by Chobham Manor via park charge_LLDC response_Redacted.pdf
24-029. TPO vector formats_LLDC response_Redacted.pdf
24-031. Telecoms Services Provider_LLDC response_Redacted.pdf
24-032. QEOP Estate management scheme and FEC on EWSW_LLDC response_Redacted.pdf
24-033. FEC boundary and changes_LLDC response_Redacted.pdf
24-033. FEC bounday and changes_Annex A Estate boundary plan 2015.pdf
24-033. FEC boundary and changes_Annex B Estate boundary plan 2019.pdf
24-034. LLDC landlord EWSW ph 1_LLDC response_Redacted.pdf
24-035. New Development FEC contribution_LLDC response_Redacted.pdf