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Transparency information
In February 2015 the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government issued the revised "Local Government Transparency Code 2015" (the Code). The Code sets out the minimum information that all Local Authorities must publish, the frequency it should be published and how it should be published. The full document can be accessed via the Gov.uk website
Board members and Chief Officers
Find out more about our Board and Committees, our governance and policies on the Who We Are page of our website.
Senior staff
For senior staff at or above Head of Service or equivalent and board members, the Legacy Corporation publishes:
- staff salaries above £50,000
- expenses claimed
- register of interests
- organisation structure
- gifts and hospitality register (for senior staff)
Gender and Ethnicity Pay Audits
The Mayor made a commitment that each of the GLA's functional bodies will publish gender and ethnicity pay audits and in 2020 that was extended to include disability pay audits. The reports below are the Legacy Corporation's response to that pledge and form an important part of our commitment to monitor the impact of our policies, the makeup of our workforce and work to reducing the pay gaps that exist at LLDC.
London Legacy Development Corporation's (Legacy Corporation) Gender, Ethnicity and Disability Pay Audits can be found below. To tackle the gender, ethnicity and disability pay gaps the Legacy Corporation has adopted an integrated Inclusion & Diversity Action Plan which sets out the detailed actions being taken to reduce and eliminate the pay gaps.
The action plan can be read here.
Combined Gender, Ethnicity & Disability Pay Gap Audit
Gender Pay Gap Audits
Ethnicity Pay Gap Audits
Disability Pay Gap Audits
Pay Multiple
The Legacy Corporation pay multiple is 3.1 as of November 2024. This information is published annually.
Contracts, tenders and expenditure
We publish details of:
- contracts of £5,000 and over. This information is updated quarterly.
- contract opportunities
- invitations to tender - over £10,000 can be found on the Delta eSourcing website. Registration is required (free). The notice is also published on the Government's Contract finder website.
- expenditure of £250 or more. This information is updated quarterly.
Grants to Voluntary, Community and social enterprise organisations
The Legacy Corporation will publish details of these grants quarterly.
The Legacy Corporation reports to the Audit Committee annually on the risks of fraud and the assurance and governance structure. A link to the Audit Committee is here: Our Committees.
Local Authority Land
All details on all Legacy Corporation land and building assets are published via the Greater London Authority Data Store.
Parking spaces
There are car park spaces at the London Aquatics Centre, the Copper Box Arena and the Here East multi-storey car park. Charges apply for all of these locations. More information on venue parking is on our website.
Transparency Code 2015 information not currently held
The Legacy Corporation does not hold the information below as requested by the Transparency Code 2015:
- Constitution - the Legacy Corporation does not have a Constitution.
- Government Procurement Card transactions - the Legacy Corporation does not have a Government procurement card.
- Parking account
- Trade Union facility time - the Legacy Corporation does not have a recognised trade union.
- Waste contracts - the Legacy Corporation does not have a Waste Contract as defined in the Transparency Code 2015.
Transparency information in relation to the London Stadium is available here: Stadium Transparency
The Freedom of Information Act 2000 requires us to have an approved Publication Scheme in order to provide easy access to certain types of commonly requested information.
The Information Commissioner’s Model Publication Scheme sets out what categories of information should be made available, where appropriate. For further information, please visit the business plan which sets out all our anticipated spending.
We also publish an annual report and accounts which detail our spending. In addition, every month we publish all of the spending for that month above a set threshold, including fees for consultants, contractors and other organisations we work with. These can be found in the Good Governance section of this site.
Our priorities
Download the Business Plan.
How we make decisions
The Board is responsible for providing leadership, advice and support to the organisation, setting strategic direction and overall policy, and monitoring standards, performance and corporate governance, as well as representing us with other stakeholders. Details of their meetings and processes are publicly available – and can be found here. Special committees established by the Board on particular topics also publish their minutes, which can be found here.
You can also view our scheme of delegations and our standing orders.
In addition, we have a duty under the Greater London Authority Act 1999 to make arrangement for proper administration of our financial affairs. The resulting financial regulations that provide for this can be found here.
Planning decisions are made by our Planning Decisions Committee, who have their own code of practice and scheme of delegations.
Policies, procedures and publications
The corporate policies and procedures that support our four priority themes are on the Legacy Corporation Policies page. Other policies are listed below:
Code of Corporate Governance
Lists and registers
Freedom of Information requests
The Legacy Corporation has published all Freedom of Information and Environmental Information Regulation responses from January 2013. Any personal information has been redacted. This information is updated quarterly in the FOI & EIR disclosure log. See more information on our FOI & EIR Disclosure Log.
All of the information provided can be used under the terms of the Open Government Licence, published by the National Archive.
Internal Audits
Our internal audits are published as part of the Audit Committee proceedings (unless they contain exempt information). See more information on the Audit Committee.
Services we offer
Who we are and what we do
Information about who we are, what we do, and our organisational structure can be found in the About Us section of this website. See more information on the London Legacy Development Corporation.
Establishment Orders
London Legacy Development Corporation (Legacy Corporation) was established by a statutory instrument (an order passed by Parliament) in April 2012, and was granted planning powers through a further statutory instrument in October 2012.
- Statutory Instruments 2012 No.310. The London Legacy Development Corporation (Establishment) Order 2012
- Statutory Instruments 2012 No.310. Map
- Statutory Instruments 2012 No.2167. The London Legacy Development Corporation (Planning Function) Order 2012
- Explanatory memorandum to the LLDC Establishment Order 2012 no. 310
- Explanatory memorandum to the LLDC Planning Functions Order 2012 no. 2167
Transfer Schemes
On 1st April 2012, the Legacy Corporation took on all the property, rights and liabilities of the Olympic Park Legacy Company (OPLC), and property, rights and liabilities located in the Legacy Corporation area were transferred from London Thames Gateway Development Corporation (LTGDC).
These transfers were made by 'transfer schemes', official documents drawn up under the provisions of the Localism Act 2011. Further transfers relating to planning powers, asset protection agreements and other projects were made later in 2012 and in 2013. Copies of the transfer schemes are published below.