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Planning policy
The Legacy Corporation Local Plan was adopted in 2015 and is the statutory Local Plan for the area. To ensure that it remains up-to-date, the Legacy Corporation has undertaken a review of the Plan. The review and its associated consultations have now concluded and the revised Plan was submitted to the Secretary of State for the purpose of an independent Examination on 8th March 2019. The Legacy Corporations Community Infrastructure Levy has also been reviewed, revised and submitted for Examination. View all information relating to the Examination.
Regulation 19 Consultation on the Publication draft Revised Local Plan
The Publication Draft Revised Local Plan was published for consultation between 5th November and 17th December 2018 under Regulation 19 of the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012 as amended. The Schedule of Changes proposed and the draft Illustrative Revised Local Plan that were the main elements of this consultation can also be viewed using the links provided below. These and all other supporting documents can be viewed and downloaded from the Examination webpage.
You can view the representations made during Regulation 18 Consultation.
Schedule of proposed changes:
- 1. Schedule of Changes - Section 1 - Introduction
- 2. Schedule of Changes -Section 2 - Our Area
- 3. Schedule of Changes -Section 3 - Vision and Objectives
- 4. Schedule of Changes -Section 4 - Developing Business Growth, Jobs, Higher Education and Training
- 5. Schedule of Changes -Section 5 - Providing Housing and Neighbourhoods
- 6. Schedule of Changes -Section 6 - Creating a High Quality Built and Natural Environment
- 7. Schedule of Changes -Section 7 - Securing Infrastructure to Support Growth
- 8. Schedule of Changes -Section 8 - Creating a Sustainable Place to Live and Work
- 9. Schedule of Changes -Section 10 - Sub Area 1 - Hackney Wick and Fish Island
- 10. Schedule of Changes -Section 11 - Sub Area 2 - North Stratford and Eton Manor
- 11. Schedule of Changes -Section 12 - Sub Area 3 - Central Stratford and Southern Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park
- 12. Schedule of Changes -Section 13 - Sub area 4 - Bromley-by-Bow, Pudding Mill, Sugar House Land and Mill Meads
- 13. Schedule of Changes -Section 14 - Delivery and Implementation
- 14. Schedule of Changes -Appendices
- 15. Policies Map Schedule of Proposed Changes
- 16. Revised Draft Polices Map
- 17. Schedule of Changes - Full
Illustrative Revised Local Plan
We have also prepared an Illustrative Revised draft Local Plan, this document shows the Plan as it would be if all of the proposed changes were made. You can see and/or download the document here:
- 1. Illustrative Revised Local Plan - Cover and Contents
- 2. Illustrative Revised Local Plan - Section 1 - Introduction
- 3. Illustrative Revised Local Plan -Section 2 - Our Area
- 4. Illustrative Revised Local Plan -Section 3 - Vision and Objectives
- 5. Illustrative Revised Local Plan -Section 4 - Developing Business Growth, Jobs, Higher Education and Training
- 6. Illustrative Revised Local Plan -Section 5 - Providing Housing and Neighbourhoods
- 7. Illustrative Revised Local Plan -Section 6 - Creating a High Quality Built and Natural Environment
- 8. Illustrative Revised Local Plan -Section 7 - Securing Infrastructure to Support Growth
- 9. Illustrative Revised Local Plan -Section 8 - Creating a Sustainable Place to Live and Work
- 10. Illustrative Revised Local Plan Section 9 - The Local Plan Sub Areas
- 11. Illustrative Revised Local Plan -Section 10 - Sub Area 1
- 12. Illustrative Revised Local Plan -Section 11 - Sub Area 2
- 13. Illustrative Revised Local Plan -Section 12 - Sub Area 3
- 14. Illustrative Revised Local Plan -Section 13 - Sub area 4
- 15. Illustrative Revised Local Plan -Section 14 - Delivery and Implementation
- 16. Illustrative Revised Local Plan -Appendices
- 17. Illustrative Revised Local Plan - Full
Statement of Community Involvement
The Legacy Corporation regularly consults with local people and organisations during the determination of planning applications and in the preparation of local planning policy documents which affect the area around the Park.
Details of how the Legacy Corporation engages with the local community and other key stakeholders is laid out in the Statement of Community Involvement which can be viewed and/or downloaded below:
Local Development Scheme (LDS)
Planning authorities are required to prepare a Local Development Scheme to set out its plans and timescales for preparing and reviewing its Local Plan. The Local Plan was adopted in July 2015 and the process of reviewing it began in 2017. The current LDS sets out the broad timescales for the review process and anticipates that this will result in the adoption of a revised Local Plan towards the end of 2019.
A copy of the current LDS can be viewed and/or downloaded below:
If you or your organisation would like to be included in future planning policy consultations, you can request that your details are added to the consultation list by completing and returning the form below to us. You can also use this form to amend or request that your details (or those of your organisation) are removed from the list:
- Policy Consultations - Contact Details Form (PDF version)
- Policy Consultations - Contact Details Form (Word version)
The completed form can be returned by email or post:
by email: planningpolicy@londonlegacy.co.uk; or
by post:
Planning Policy and Decisions Team
London Legacy Development Corporation
Level 9
5 Endeavour Square
E20 1JN
Due to the process of having an Independent Examination, the Legacy Corporation is required by law to make any information and/or responses publicly available and so they are not confidential. Names, company names and associated comments submitted as part of the formal consultation process (whether online, by email or in hard copy) will be made publicly available on the Council’s Consultation Portal. The Legacy Corporation may share your personal details and responses with their professional advisors involved with the Local Plan Review and also in due course with the Planning Inspectorate and other relevant authorities. Your personal details will be used solely in connection with the Local Plan Review process and Examination and except as set out above, the Legacy Corporation will not share personal information with other third parties or publish the personal information provided by you when completing this form.
You can access details of our privacy policy at http://www.queenelizabetholympicpark.co.uk/privacy-policy