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The Legacy Corporation Local Plan (July 2020) sets out the Legacy Corporation’s strategy for the future of its area and includes the policies that will be used to direct development and determine applications for planning permission.
Planning policy
The Legacy Corporation has a legal duty, as the Local Planning Authority for its area, to prepare and adopt a Local Plan for its area and once this has been adopted, to monitor its performance and over time review it
The London Legacy Development Corporation formally adopted the London Legacy Development Corporation Local Plan 2020-2036, including the Local Plan Policies Map at its Board meeting of 21st July 2020. This replaces the London Legacy Development Corporation Local Plan 2015-2031.
The Local Plan together with the London Plan 2021 form the Development Plan for the Legacy Corporation Area. The London Plan can be viewed or downloaded at LINK.
The Local Plan 2020 – 2036 and its accompanying Policies Map, together with the Local Plan Adoption Statement and other associated documents, can be viewed and/or downloaded using the links below:
- Legacy Development Corporation Local Plan 2020-2036, adopted July 2020 - Please Note – This document may take some time to open and/or download on older computers or slow internet connections. A copy of the plan split into sections is available below.
- Local Plan 2020- 2036 Policies Map
- Local Plan Adoption Statement
- IIA Adoption Statement
- Inspector's Report
Local Plan Sections:
- 1. Cover, Contents & Foreword
- 2. Section 1 - Introduction
- 3. Section 2 - Our Area
- 4. Section 3 - Vision and Objectives
- 5. Section 4 - Developing Business Growth, Jobs, Higher Education and Training
- 6. Section 5 - Providing Housing and Neighbourhoods
- 7. Section 6 - Creating a High Quality Built and Natural Environment
- 8. Section 7 - Securing the Infrastructure to Support Growth
- 9. Section 8 - Creating a Sustainable Place to Live and Work
- 10. Section 9 - The Local Plan Sub Areas
- 11. Section 10 - Sub Area 1 - Hackney Wick and Fish Island
- 12. Section 11 - Sub Area 2 - North Stratford and Eton Manor
- 13. Section 12 - Sub Area 3 - Central Stratford and Southern Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park
- 14. Section 13 - Sub area 4 - Bromley-by-Bow, Pudding Mill, Sugar House Land and Mill Meads
- 15. Section 14 - Delivery and Implementation
- 16. Appendices
The Local Plan includes:
- An outline of the key issues facing the area.
- Our vision for how the area should look in 2036.
- Strategic policies setting the direction of future growth in the area, and covering issues like housing and transport.
- Detailed policies used in deciding planning applications, such as design and affordable housing requirements.
- ‘Place-based policies’ which describe how key locations are expected to change over time, divided into four sub areas: Hackney Wick and Fish Island, North Stratford and Eton Manor, Central Stratford and the south of Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, and Pudding Mill, Bromley-by-Bow and Mill Meads.
- Details of how we will implement these policies.
The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) sets out the government's planning policies and how these are expected to be applied, whereas the London Plan 2021 sets out an integrated economic, environmental, transport and social framework for the development of London over the next 20 - 25 years. Together, these documents form part of the Development Plan for the Legacy Corporation Area.
How to obtain copies of the Local Plan & Policies Map
This webpage will provide further information on how to request the documents and any charges that might apply to the provision of any documents requested.
Examination of the Legacy Corporation Local Plan 2020 - 2036
Before being adopted, the Local Plan was examined by an independent Planning Inspector. The Local Plan Examination Archive Page includes the documents that form the Local Plan 2020 – 2036. Evidence Base and all other documents that formed part of the Examination process.
Earlier material that formed a part of the Local Plan process can be found at the Local Plan Publication Stage Consultation Archive. This includes all the information from the Publication stage consultation in the autumn of 2018.
Local Plan 2015 – 2031
In July 2015, the Legacy Corporation adopted its first Local Plan (Local Plan 2015), in its role as a Local Planning Authority.
An electronic copy of the Local Plan 2015 and associated documents is available here: Archived Local Plan 2015
Material that formed a part of the Local Plan 2015 adoption process can be found at the Local Plan 2015 Publication Stage Consultation Archive and The Local Plan 2015 Examination Archive Page.