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The five new neighbourhoods planned in and around the Park are designed to complement and extend the communities already in the area. We want to support the growth and diversity of these communities and are actively working to make sure the area around the Park is developed in the best way possible.
Local Plan
One of the ways we do this is as planning authority for an area covering the Park and parts of Newham, Hackney, Waltham Forest and Tower Hamlets. Our Local Plan sets out the principles will apply to planning decisions in this area. As a Local Planning Authority we have a duty to prepare a Local Plan that sets out the principles which will apply to planning decisions in the Legacy Corporation area.
The Publication version of the Local Plan was consulted upon between 18 August and 6 October 2014. This is the version we propose to submit to the Secretary of State for independent examination. For further details, including a full list of consultation responses, please see the Publication Local Plan section below.
Once adopted in spring 2015, it will provide strategic guidance for all the developments in the area, and will form part of decisions about planning applications in the area until 2031.
The Local Plan includes:
- An outline of the key issues facing the area
- Our vision for how the area should look in 2031
- Strategic policies setting the direction of future growth in the area, and covering issues like housing and transport
- Detailed policies used in deciding planning applications, such as design and affordable housing requirements
- ‘Place-based policies’ which describe how key locations are expected to change over time, divided into four sub areas: Hackney Wick and Fish Island, North Stratford and Eton Manor, Central Stratford and the south of Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, and Pudding Mill, Bromley-by-Bow and Mill Meads
- Details of how we will implement these policies.
The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) sets out the government's planning policies and how these are expected to be applied, whereas the London Plan sets out an integrated economic, environmental, transport and social framework for the development of London over the next 20 - 25 years. Together, these documents form part of the Development Plan for the Legacy Corporation Area. Until our Local Plan is formally adopted, the development plans prepared by Hackney, Newham, Tower Hamlets and Waltham Forest will continue to be used alongside the NPPF and the London Plan when making planning decisions. For these documents, see links to the Hackney, Newham, Tower Hamlets and Waltham Forest planning webpages.
Publication Local Plan
Consultation was undertaken on the Publication Local Plan between 18 August and 6 October 2014. We believe this version of the Local Plan is ‘sound’ meeting all the legal and procedural requirements. Representations on legal compliance, soundness and the duty-to-cooperate are invited in accordance with the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations, 2012. This consultation is now closed.
A copy of the Plan and the documents that accompanied it during the consultation are available below:
- Publication Local Plan, 2014
- Proposals Map
- Consultation Report, 2014
- Due to an administration error, additional information for Appendix 11 uploaded in separate document.
Consultation Responses
- Copies of the consultation responses received during the consultation are available view at our offices by appointment.
Sustainability Appraisal non-technical summary, full report, and appendices:
- A - PPP Review
- B - Baseline Data
- C - Changes to Local Plan
- D - Vision and objectives options appraisal
- E - Policies options appraisal
- F - Sustainability Appraisal Policies
- G - Sub Areas
- H - Alternative Sub Areas and Site Allocations
Combined Policy Viability Study, 2014
Equalities Impact Assessment, 2014
Statement of Representations Procedure
Consultation Response Form and guidance note
The Local Plan evidence base is available below.
An online, Flash version of the Local Plan is also available here.
Following the close of this consultation, the Legacy Corporation intends to submit the Local Plan and all supporting documentation to the Secretary of State for independent examination. When available, further details of the examination will be shown on this website.
You can contact the Planning Policy Team in the following ways:
Email: planningpolicy@londonlegacy.co.uk
In Writing:
Planning Policy and Decisions Team
London Legacy Development Corporation
Level 9
5 Endeavour Square
E20 1JN.
For previous versions of the Plan and earlier versions of supporting documentation please see below.
Further Background
A number of documents are also required to support the Local Plan production processes. These are set out below:
The Local Development Scheme (LDS) is the Legacy Corporation’s project plan for the preparation of its Local Plan and related documents. It sets out key dates and milestone in the preparation of the Plan.
The Authority Monitoring Report sets out progress towards key Local Plan milestones, information on permitted and completed developments and Community Infrastructure Levy schemes and receipts within the monitoring period.
The Statement of Community Involvement sets out how the community will be involved in the preparation of local planning policy documents and in the processing and determination of planning applications.
The Sustainability Appraisal is carried out alongside the plan-making processes in order to assess the likely social, economic and environmental impacts of the Plan, ensuring the most sustainable options are selected where possible. Read the Sustainability Appraisal Report and the Non-Technical Summary. You can also read the following appendices:
- A - PPP Review
- B - Baseline Data
- C - Changes to Local Plan
- D - Vision and objectives options appraisal
- E - Policies options appraisal
- F - Sustainability Appraisal Policies
- G - Sub Areas
- H - Alternative Sub Areas and Site Allocations
The Habitats Regulations Assessment, also known as an ‘Appropriate Assessment’ is required under the European Habitats Directive to assesses whether a plan or project, ‘in combination’, could affect the ‘integrity’ of sites of international nature conservation importance in Europe. A screening report has been carried out for the Legacy Corporation.
The Equalities Impact Assessment (EQIA) looks at the impacts of the policies of the Plan on different sections of the community.
In addition the Legacy Corporation’s Community Infrastructure Levy has now been submitted to the Secretary of State. Please see our page on the CIL for further information.
Local Plans, and the policies and proposals within them, must be based on robust and credible evidence.
As well as existing evidence produced by the four boroughs – Hackney, Newham, Tower Hamlets and Waltham Forest, we have gathered together further evidence to support the Local Plan. A number of these documents are complete and available to view below.
Community Infrastructure Levy, Viability Study
Hackney Wick Planning & Design Guide, 2014
Economy Study, 2014:
Gypsies & Traveller Accommodation Needs Assessment, 2014
Gypsy and Traveller Site Assessment, 2014
Infrastructure Delivery Plan (IDP)
Local Plan Flood Risk Review Report, 2013
Retail and Leisure Requirements Review, 2014
Strategic Housing Needs Report, 2013
Affordable Housing Testing, 2013
Olympic Legacy Waterways Strategy Consultation Draft
LLDC Background Papers, 2014:
- Built Environment
- Business Growth, Jobs and Lifelong learning
- Duty to Co-operate
- Housing
- Natural Environment
- Natural Environment Appendix
- Spatial Portrait
- Transport
Other important evidence base documents prepared by the Greater London Authority include the Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment, 2013 and the Strategic Housing Market Assessment, 2013. Both are available via the GLA here.
Previous consultations
Once given plan-making powers on 1 October 2012, we started to prepare the Local Plan, with a first short stage of consultation between 12 November and 31 December 2012. The details of this consultation are in the consultation report and helped us set out our vision and identify important themes and areas, as well as helping us draft our Statement of Community Involvement.
We also made a ‘Call for Sites’ at the same time – asking for submission of any sites which should be brought forward for development prior to 2030.
In accordance with the Environmental Assessment of Plans and Programmes Regulations, 2004 the Legacy Corporation carried out consultation on the Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report between January and March 2013. The comments received to the SA Scoping Report are available here, and the Habitat Regulations Scoping Report is here. The finalised scoping report is available here.
In addition, consultation on the Preliminary Draft Community Infrastructure Levy Charging Schedule took place between 15 July and 9 September 2013. More information on this can be found within the Community Infrastructure Levy page.
Consultation on an initial draft Local Plan document ran from 2 December 2013 to 7 February 2014. We held public consultation sessions in Stratford, Hackney and Bromley-by-Bow to discuss our plans for those areas, as well as events with key stakeholders. Documentation from this consultation can be accessed below:
Draft Local Plan Consultation Document, 2013
SA/SEA, 2013. Comments received on the 2013 Draft Sustainability Appraisal are available here.
Equalities Impact Assessment, 2013
Habitat Regulations Assessment, 2013
For details of all comments received within these consultations and the Legacy Corporation’s response, please see the Consultation Report, 2014.
Publication consultation
The Legacy Corporation has produced a ‘Publication’ version of the Local Plan that is now out to formal ‘Regulation 19’ consultation. Please see above.
Neighbourhood Planning
Local communities, as Neighbourhood Forums or Parish Councils, have the ability to shape development within their area by preparing neighbourhood plans. It is our role, as a local planning authority, to give non-financial support to groups wishing to utilise these powers. This is part of the Localism Act 2011.