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Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park voted one of nations top 10 favourite parks
Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park voted one of nations top 10 favourite parks
Story 04/12/2020
Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park is thrilled to have been voted one of the most popular parks in the country in a nation-wide poll organised by the Keep Britain Tidy Group. More than 60,000 people took part in the People’s Choice vote during November to find the nation’s most popular parks and green spaces from the 2,061 awarded Green Flag status this year.
The People’s Choice vote confirms the findings of a survey conducted by Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park among Londoners in June 2020 which found that 73 per cent of local respondents said the Park is at the heart of their community and an important asset for London during lockdown.
In a year when parks and outdoor spaces have been more important than ever we are proud to be voted one of the top 10 parks in the UK, and thank you to all our visitors for voting for us!