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Fashion show on the Park for Mayor's concept to catwalk challenge

Fashion show on the Park for Mayor's concept to catwalk challenge

Story 03/04/2014

A new fashion challenge for 11 to 16 year olds will culminate in a fashion show held at Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park in March 2015.


‘Concept to Catwalk’ challenges London school children to design a collection of clothing that reflects 21st century lifestyles and technology-led innovation in fashion.

The Challenge draws on east London's rich tradition of textile manufacturing from silk weaving and imported textiles in the docks through to the emerging technology and creative businesses in this part of the Capital. The project aims for students to bring together stories of east London’s textile heritage with visions of its technology-led future, to explore how fashion moves forward through enterprise and innovation.

Throughout the Challenge students and teachers will be aided by online resources and events such as an ‘Inspiration Day’ held on 9 October 2014 at the Podium on Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, where pupils will learn more about the work of contemporary fashion designers and emerging technologies and how these can be applied to fashion.