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Each year, London Legacy Development Corporation hosts two Your Neighbourhood Talks events with the wider community to bring people together to consider key issues and opportunities in and around Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park.

Your Neighbourhood Talks is our six-monthly resident forum, taking place each March and September and open to everyone – whether you live, work or study in the local area. It provides an opportunity to meet with London Legacy Development Corporation, and many other organisations based around the Park, to discuss the impact of their work and find out how you can get involved. If you have questions about construction activity, events, education, training, jobs and other local issues, this is the place to find answers.
Your Neighbourhood Talks October 2024

Your Neighbourhood Talks October 2024
At October’s event, we will be focusing on the Community Anchor Network (CAN), which aspires to create a stronger shared voice for grassroots organisations, as well as building capacity and leadership to provide more equity in discussions about the future. Importantly, it will play a role in enabling Park institutions and businesses to engage and respond, achieving a deeper and more sustainable impact in communities.
This event is an opportunity for local community organisations, businesses, boroughs, developments and East Bank Partners to connect and feed into the development of the CAN.
For more information, please contact us at yourneighbourhoodtalks@queenelizabetholympicpark.co.uk
Your Neighbourhood Talks March 2024

Your Neighbourhood Talks March 2024
Our most recent Your Neighbourhood Talks was held on 19 March 2024 at UCL East on the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park with a focus on 'Community Networks'. There was the opportunity to connect with local community organisations, businesses and East Bank Partners as well as to find out updates on developments around the Park. Attendees were able to find out what was happening around the Park and collaborate on local issues in your community. There were also tours running of UCL throughout the evening, a special Cultural Lab exhibition run by the School for Creative and Culture Industries, and catering provided by Gather and Gather.
The marketplace is a main feature of the event and is an opportunity for stakeholders to have a ‘stall’ and informally talk to attendees about who they are, what they do on Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park and beyond. It offers members of the community the opportunity to engage directly with partners, ask questions, share ideas, and identify opportunities for collaboration or support.
An example of our marketplace stallholders are:
- AAA Zone
- Bow Goods Yard Consultation
- Build EAST Training Centre
- Building Craft College
- Chobham Manor Community Space
- Copper Box Arena
- Coppermaker Square
- Deep Boroughs Network
- The Dovetail
- East Village Connectivity Project
- East Wick and Sweetwater
- Everyone Active
- Faith Space London
- Good Growth Hub
- Hackney Bridge
- Hackney Yard Development
- Hackney Wick & Fish Island Community Development Trust
- Lendlease - Stratford Cross
- London Borough of Newham (Community Neighbourhood and Library)
- London Legacy Development Corporation - Good Growth Hub
- London Legacy Development Corporation - SHIFT
- London Legacy Development Corporation - Development Team
- London Stadium Learning
- London Youth Rowing/Pontoon
- Mary Ward Centre
- Mobile Garden
- Newham Chamber of Commerce
- Park Champions
- Populo Living
- Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park South Park Spaces
- Refill Store
- Rick Roberts Way Development
- Riverside East Consultation
- Roach Point Bridge
- Sadler’s Wells
- Social Farm and Gardens: Carpenters Estate Garden
- Stratford Original Business Improvement District
- The Last Drop
- The Line
- UCL Student Union
- West Ham Foundation
- Badu
- Beyond a Song CIC
- D-Lab
- English for Action London: Together for Tower Hamlets
- Football Unites: Female Football Programme
- Get Living – Lab E20
- Grow, Hackney
- Groundwork
- Hackney Tree Musketeers
- Here East
- Library of Things
- Lighthouse and Gardens
- Newham Muslim Forum
- Skaped: Skaped on Tour
- Skate Cabal
- Un-Age

Our roundtables are an informal opportunity to discuss topics or for people to ask general questions directly to LLDC and for the Park. Anyone is welcome to join the roundtables!
March's Your Neighbourhood Talks featured two Roundtables; one on Community and University led by Elevate; and one on the Power of Collective Voiced led by our community partners.
UCL East Tour

UCL East Tour
March's Your Neighbourhood Talks saw tours of the UCL East building running throughout the evening. The School for Creative and Cultural Industries also opened a special Cultural Lab exhibition, showcasing stories from East London.
Local Community Activity List
Some of the feedback that we got from September's Your Neighbourhood Talks was to have more information available about all the incredible work that’s happing around the Park. As a starting point to address this, we asked local organisations to share their top highlights for the next 3-6 months. This list is the result of this and is a collection of some of the brilliant activities run by local organisations and businesses. This is a trial document that aims to keep the community informed about events happening in and around the Park. We intend to publish an updated list of activities after each Your Neighbourhood Talks event. This is in no way an exhaustive list and we hope for it to grow over time. If you have any suggestions of activity that should be included in the next list or potential collaborators please let us know!
Your Neighbourhood Talks September 2023

Your Neighbourhood Talks September 2023
This Your Neighbourhood Talks was themed ‘Neighbourhood Priorities’ highlighting community activity around the Park. As well as the usual range of businesses and organisations around the Park in the marketplace, the event showcased initiatives including successful LLDC Neighbourhood Priorities Fund projects. We held roundtables focusing on Community Space, Community Activity, and Jobs and Skills.
Attendees found out what was happening around the Park and collaborated on local issues in the community. They were also taken on a tour of the community spaces on Carpenter's Estate. Refreshments were provided by local organisations Oitiijo and Grow, Hackney!