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Community activities
There is always different community led activities happening on the Park, giving you the opportunity to take up new pastimes in relaxed atmospheres or have a say in the running of your local area. Take a look below to see what we have coming up!
Free Gardening Session with Mobile Garden

Free Gardening Session with Mobile Garden
Muck in and get your hands dirty with the Mobile Garden at Hackney Bridge! Mobile Garden is a pop-up community space where local residents, schools and community groups can come to connect with nature through fun and free gardening sessions for all abilities.
The aim of the project is to create a welcoming, beautiful and movable public garden. This then provides food growing, socialising, events and training opportunities for the whole community.
The Garden is for all, with no restrictions on who can join. The sessions are free and operate on a drop-in basis!
Explore the Mobile GardenYour Neighbourhood Talks

Your Neighbourhood Talks
Each year London Legacy Development Corporation hosts a series of events with the wider community that bring people together to consider key issues and opportunities in and around Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park.
As well as talks and roundtable discussions, Your Neighbourhood Talks also includes a marketplace with an opportunity for stakeholders and businesses to have a ‘stall’ and informally talk to attendees about who they are, what they do on Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park and beyond. It offers members of the community the opportunity to engage directly with partners, ask questions, share ideas, and identify opportunities for collaboration or support.
Find out more about your next talk