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Meet Nathan Tiller, co-founder of CarbonQuota and Ben Greenstone, Managing Director of Taso Advisory, who have chosen Plexal for business success. Plexal is based within Here East, a technology and innovation campus situated at Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park.
Q What does your business do?
Nathan: CarbonQuota works with corporations and organisations to measure and help reduce the impact of their carbon footprint. Ben: Taso Advisory advises technology businesses on public policy.
Q What made you decide to settle here?
Nathan: When CarbonQuota was looking for places to base our business, we researched a number of spaces and places, including Central London and the suburbs. What we found at Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park is something different, something edgy and unique - which is very important to us and we tap into that energy every day. It just has that special quality and atmosphere that we didn't find anywhere else. Ben: Really, it was noticing all the brilliant businesses - from Sports Interactive to Matches - that had already set up in Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park and seeing how they have expanded. We see this as a great opportunity as well, working alongside interesting businesses doing new and exciting things that will make the world a better place for people.
Q What are the main benefits of working here for you?
Nathan: We're able to get access to people and businesses who are similar to us and very different to us. That diversity and being able to tap into lots of different opinions, views and experiences has been invaluable for CarbonQuota as a business - and has exponentially grown our capabilities and outputs. We're inspired by those around us - and that's always good for people and organisations. Ben: I would say it's the people who work here at Plexal and across the Park. They are willing to take risks for something they believe in. They are bold and are building interesting and exciting things - with people in mind. We looked around for exactly the right environment and found it here. It's in a legendary part of London too - if you look back at what the space was, say 15 years ago and what has become, it really is quite phenomenal.
Q What would you say has been particularly significant about the time you have already spent here?
Nathan: It really is an iconic part of London. We've made some really great connections that help us steer CarbonQuota and the business leaders we come into daily contact with, bring something unique and different which is hugely energising. Ben We are based at Plexal, which is great for collaborative working and we're surrounded by businesses and people who really inspire us - we draw a lot of energy from others.
Q How do the values of the park align with your vision and direction?
Nathan: CarbonQuota is a science based business so it's really great to have such a diverse community in one place and having the universities close by means that we are constantly growing our knowledge - and never standing still. Ben: Really, it's people who want to take ownership and responsibility. These are the sorts of people who find a natural home here. The great thing is the community comes from different walks of life - some from school, some from university, some who've decided to give up working in those huge, anonymous buildings and they've moved here to set up a small business and help to grow it.
Ready to unleash your business in iconic East London? Find out more about Plexal here.