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Case Study: Sadler's Wells
An eclectic, vibrant destination where creativity, spirit, best practice and dynamism are written into its DNA.
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Meet Britannia Morton, Sadler's Wells Co-CEO, who sets the scene for their thrilling, new adventure at East Bank in Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park.
Q Tell us a bit more about Sadler's Wells?
Sadler's Wells is the UK's leading dance organisation and we make and present new dance work from around the UK and the world. We want to showcase dance of the future - in all its different genres and we are all about creativity and dynamism.
Q What are you particularly looking forward to in your new home at East Bank at Queen Elizabeth Park?
The invitation to become part of the park is really exciting. Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park is a new quarter in London and it's the opportunity to create something wonderful that serves the people who live and work here as well as visitors. We are helping to make a new place in London that already has such a rich history and tradition and Sadler's Wells shares that legacy so we're excited to make something new.
Q What are some of the main reasons for building a new home here?
It's wonderful to join the partners at the park, who are innovative, problem solvers and creative. I don't know of anywhere else that has such a rich group of organisations coming together in a beautifully designed area. Also, the level of investment over such a short period of time has delivered a quality of building, infrastructure and environment that is second to none.
Q How diverse is the area?
The people who live and work here make up one of the most culturally diverse communities in London and indeed the UK - and that brings with it a different flavour of ambition, creativity and collaboration. It's a place where the energy is palpable and everybody is forging something new together.
Q Is the area a good fit for Sadler's Wells?
Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park is a really good fit because we are all about innovation and collaboration via new forms of dance, new experiences and pushing boundaries. There are a wealth of opportunities to work with other organisations to create something truly special and world-class.
Ready to unleash your business in iconic east London? Find out more about East Bank here.
Britannia Morton is Executive Director for Sadler’s Wells and works with Sir Alistair Spalding CBE, Artistic Director and Chief Executive and the Board to define and deliver a long-term strategy for growth. She also leads on the planning and development of Sadler’s Wells East, the new venue in the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park.
She has worked at Sadler’s Wells since 2010 and previously led operational teams at Southbank Centre, the Barbican, Royal Albert Hall and ENO.