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Read and download the handbook using this link: Handbook Creating Places That Work For Women and Girls
Since 2021, LLDC has been practicing gender-informed urban design and planning. The knowledge and good practice have now been compiled into a handbook providing practical steps that urban planners, developers, architects, and other stakeholders can take to ensure a gender-informed approach is applied in the planning, design and decision-making process, from the inception of any project through to delivery and long-term management. The handbook has been produced in collaboration with Arup.
The Handbook has been informed by robust local evidence including two rounds of evidence gathering involving around 1,000 women and girls, as well as emerging national and international studies and approaches.
Evidence Base Research:
2021 Consultation Report Safety of Women and Girls
Safety and Belonging for Women and Girls in Public Spaces - Community Research in east London.
How can you be involved?
If you would like to be kept up to dated on the work that LLDC is doing in relation to gender-equlity in urban design and planning, please sign up to our Women and Girls safety consultation database HERE to be directly informed about the consultations and the progress of other work that we are doing to improve gender equality in the public realm across the Legacy Corporation area.