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Warsan Shire named the first ever Young Poet Laureate for London

Warsan Shire named the first ever Young Poet Laureate for London

Story 03/10/2013

Poet Laureate Carol Ann Duffy today announced Warsan Shire will be the first ever Young Poet Laureate for London. The 24 year old Londoner, a Kenyan-born Somali poet, was selected from a shortlist of six young poets to be the voice of young Londoners.

The post of Young Poet Laureate was created by the London Legacy Development Corporation, the organisation responsible for managing and maintaining Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, as part of Spoke - a new visionary poetry and spoken word programme that will offer people in east London an opportunity to watch, perform and develop careers in spoken word and performance poetry in and around the Park.

Warsan will produce a series of commissions, creating work that reflects on our ever-changing capital, culture and society. This will begin with a residency at the Houses of Parliament. She will be supported in her role by London's writer development agency, Spread the Word.