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STEP into the Smithsonian
Press Release 05/03/2019
- The search is on for four east Londoners who want to kick-start a career in the cultural sector
- The lucky applicants will take part in an immersive three-week experience at the Smithsonian Institution
- More information and apply here- https://www.createjobslondon.org/jobs/step-into-the-smithsonian
The London Legacy Development Corporation, London Boroughs of Hackney, Newham, Tower Hamlets and Waltham Forest, along with the Foundation for Future London and Create Jobs have teamed up with the Smithsonian Institution to fund an exciting international experience for four local residents aged 18-30 years old.
Through a programme of talks, visits and workshops, and a live content brief, the search is on for individuals who want to build their skills and connections to kick-start a career in the cultural sector.
If selected, you will take part in a week-long London boot camp (Monday 22nd to Wednesday 24th April 2019) before flying out to Washington DC (Monday 13th May to Thursday 30th May 2019) where you will participate in an immersive three-week experience at the world's largest museum, the Smithsonian.
You should be:
- Passionate about pursuing a career in the cultural sector (museums, galleries, theatre, dance, performance and music)
- Committed to shaping culture in their borough and their city
- Available to take part in a 3-day London Bootcamp and three week Smithsonian Exchange, an immersive learning experience at the world’s largest museum
- While in the USA, you’ll visit many of the Smithsonian’s museums and research centres, exploring a diversity of topics including; photography and print, graphic design, African American history, popular culture, natural history, global art forms and much more.
- To be eligible you must be:
- A resident of Hackney, Tower Hamlets, Waltham Forest or Newham
- Aged 18 to 30
- Underrepresented in the sector*
- Unemployed or underemployed*
*We are seeking applications from people who are currently underrepresented in the cultural sector. This includes people from a black, Asian or minority ethnic background, disabled people and those from the LGBTQ+ community, as well people from lower socio-economic backgrounds. We also welcome applicants from a range of educational backgrounds and don’t require any formal qualifications or experience in the cultural sector.
**We recognise underemployed as a role that could be outside of the cultural sector and/or part-time, zero hours or casual work.
How to apply:
Visit https://www.createjobslondon.org/jobs/step-into-the-smithsonian
Application deadline: Monday 18th March, 10am
For more information contact the Press Office at Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park on +44 (0) 20 3734 9010 or email press@QueenElizabethOlympicPark.co.uk