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Story 31/05/2016

Motivate East, east London’s flagship Paralympic legacy project, has secured another two years of funding after smashing its targets for providing disabled local people with opportunities to get active.

100 Days to Rio Paralympic games

Launching the second phase of the project on the day that marked 100 days to go to the Rio 2016 Paralympic Games (Monday 30 May), Motivate East put on a range of activities including taekwondo and mini tennis at Mandeville Place in the Park.

Set up in 2013, Motivate East’s mission is to capitalise on the enthusiasm generated by the London 2012 Paralympic Games to promote disability sport. Originally covering the former Olympic and Paralympic host boroughs, it now extends across seven local authorities. 

People of all ages and abilities have enjoyed a range of activities and events delivered by Motivate East: from the annual Tea Dance where over 50s foxtrotted and shimmied their way around the Copper Box Arena; a multi-sport day for deaf and hearing impaired participants involving basketball and badminton; and Move, Play, Explore – a sports day run with the Teenage Cancer Trust for young people affected by cancer which was attended by more than 200 people. 

The success of the project has led to Sport England providing another £270,000 of funding for Motivate East, with additional support from the London Legacy Development Corporation, WheelPower and the participating boroughs. Over the next two years Motivate East hopes to engage thousands of new people in inclusive activities.

One of the key strands of Motivate East is training volunteers who can inspire disabled people to participate in sport and physical activity. To date, 92 Para Legacy Agents have been equipped with the skills, knowledge and confidence to successfully support disabled people and help them to be more active.

Helene Raynsford, Motivate East’s new Chair said: “Motivate East’s ambition over the next two years is to reach out to new people including those with complex disabilities, memory conditions and long-term pain; I am incredibly excited to be joining at this time.  As a former Paralympian I know the importance of grass roots sport and what a difference it can make to people’s confidence, ambitions and well-being.”

As well as engaging harder to reach people, Motivate East also aims to train another 50 Para Legacy Agents, run two weeks of inclusive sports coaching, support two additional sports clubs per borough and provide opportunities for people to participate in high-profile events including National Paralympic Day on 3 September, 2016 at the Park.