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Press Release 26/10/2022

  • Outline application approved for Pudding Mill Lane development
  • c.948 homes, 45% affordable
  • 51% family-sized homes and 40 later living units
  • Up to 52,000sqm employment and community space
  • Images can be downloaded HERE 

The London Legacy Development Corporation’s (LLDC) Planning Decisions Committee has voted unanimously to give the green light to an outline planning application that will transform Pudding Mill Lane on Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park into a new residential and commercial neighbourhood.

Forming a new neighbourhood centre and supporting Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park’s growing innovation district, the Pudding Mill Lane masterplan – developed by a multidisciplinary team assembled and led by Gort Scott, with design collaborators 5th Studio, JCLA and ZCD – sets out LLDC’s commitment to delivering a rich mix of social infrastructure, complementary uses, and high-quality public amenities to create a vibrant place to live, work and visit. As well as providing new homes and workspaces, the masterplan provides over 0.63ha of publicly accessible open space, with two new riverside parks and a new urban square at Pudding Mill DLR station, seeking to unlock connectivity improvements and support a series of wider social and economic opportunities.

Around 948 homes will be delivered with a minimum of 45% affordable homes by habitable room, of which a minimum of 30% will be low-cost rent housing by dwelling. A diverse range of housing needs have been carefully considered, with at least 51% of homes family-sized with two or more bedrooms including apartments, townhouses and maisonettes, and provision for 40 dedicated later living homes. Families will be supported with a nursery, health centre, community pavilion, inclusive play areas and local courtyards with biodiverse planting, as well as the new neighbourhood centre with shops, cafes and restaurants around Pudding Mill DLR station.

In addition, the development will include up to 52,000sq.m of floor space which will accommodate a rich mix of workspace, retail, community and leisure uses. Delivering ‘good growth’ with employment and skills opportunities for young people, and space for businesses to seed, grown and scale up – complementing clusters of cutting-edge businesses at Here East, Hackney Wick and Fish Island Creative Enterprise Zone, East Bank and International Quarter London – Pudding Mill Lane will generate around 2,000 jobs. 

Rosanna Lawes, Executive Director of Development at London Legacy Development Corporation, said:

“The planning consent marks another major milestone in the delivery of much needed homes and workspace on the Park. There will be significant levels of genuinely affordable and family-sized homes as well as significant workspace to support the creation of jobs. 

“The decision follows hard on the heels of approval for Bridgewater Triangle, the joint venture partnership with Ballymore for Stratford Waterfront and Bridgewater, and the start of procurement for Rick Roberts Way. What better way to celebrate our 10th anniversary year than to signal the start of building thousands more homes on the Park?”

Alan Worn, Associate at Gort Scott, said:

“It has been a privilege to be part of a fantastic multidisciplinary team delivering the Pudding Mill Lane masterplan. Thanks to the support of LLDC and outstanding teamwork with our collaborators, together we have produced a masterplan that will deliver new homes, jobs and public space, while also unlocking strategic connections and the neighbourhood’s potential.

“Pudding Mill Lane has a rich history with a character shaped by its waterways and industrial heritage. We want to bring that character through and are therefore delighted that our masterplan is underpinned by high quality design standards and a rigorous design code that sets this out. Ten years after the opening of the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, we are seeing the final piece of the jigsaw beginning to fall into place, and we are very proud to be a part of that legacy.”

LLDC plans to launch the procurement for a Joint Venture partner in early 2023. The planning consent is subject to signing s106 agreements and building work is due to start on site in 2026 and be completed by 2033.