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Consultation on Community Infrastructure Levy begins

Consultation on Community Infrastructure Levy begins

Story 23/05/2014

On the 30 May 2014 the Legacy Corporation Board agreed that our Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Draft Charging Schedule and associated documents and evidence be published for consultation.  


We are seeking comments from any interested individuals or organisations.  The consultation period will run for a 6 week period, from 27th May 2014 to 8th July 2014, representations must be received during this period and before 5pm on the 8th July. 

Community Infrastructure Levies are new levies on development which local planning authorities may introduce in their areas to help fund the social, environmental and physical infrastructure that a new development will need.  

You can read more about the proposed CIL, download documents, and respond to the consultation here.

Planning authority

Part of our role in transforming east London is as planning authority for the Park and its surroundings.  Find out more about that role here.