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Trees planted on Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park to mark Nelson Mandela International Day

Trees planted on Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park to mark Nelson Mandela International Day

Press Release 18/07/2023

South Africa’s High Commission for the UK joined representatives from communities around Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park today as part of an international awareness campaign to mark Nelson Mandela International Day.

Pupils from Bobby Moore Academy joined His Excellency Jeremiah Nyamane Mamabolo, local politicians James Asser and Unmesh Desai AM and horticultural apprentices from ID Verde.

Six trees – two white willows (salix alba) and four European aspen (populus tremula) – have been planted along the River Lee Navigation to commemorate Nelson Mandela International Day. This year is particularly poignant as it is the tenth anniversary of the death of Nelson Mandela.

The Nelson Mandela Foundation’s theme for 2023 emphasises collective and individual action to make a long-term, sustainable change for good. The Mandela Day campaign remains rooted in the call that Nelson Mandela made in 2009 to honour him by working in communities rather than by celebrating his birthday.

International Nelson Mandela Day gives people an opportunity to help tackle the impact of global climate change through working in community food gardens, home-based food gardens and planting trees. The South African based Green Development Foundation organised the tree planting initiative and asked Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park to be part of it so that there is a global focus.

Mark Camley, Executive Director of Park and Venues, said: “We were proud to welcome the Ambassador, children, apprentices and guests to honour Nelson Mandela.

“Mr Mandela believed in building strong, inclusive communities, and these trees symbolise the power of the parkland to bring people together and make the most of the opportunities here. We were honoured to lead the campaign in London today as we joined parks in South Africa in planting trees to highlight the important themes of the campaign."