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Have your say on the Local Plan

Have your say on the Local Plan

Story 18/08/2014

The Publication version of the Local Plan is now out for formal consultation between 18 August and 6 October 2014.


Once adopted in spring 2015, the Local Plan will provide strategic guidance for all the developments in the area, and will form part of decisions about planning applications in the area until 2031.

The five new neighbourhoods planned in and around the Park are designed to complement and extend the communities already in the area. We want to support the growth and diversity of these communities and are actively working to make sure the area around the Park  is developed in the best way possible.  

One of the ways we do this is as planning authority for an area covering the Park and parts of Newham, Hackney, Waltham Forest and Tower Hamlets.  Our Local Plan sets out the principles will apply to planning decisions in this area.