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Call for interest on Hackney Wick redevelopment

Call for interest on Hackney Wick redevelopment

Story 11/11/2013

The London Legacy Development Corporation has today launched a call for interest to identify parties interested in occupying space within Hackney Wick as it is developed.  Keen to work with prospective and existing landowners and occupiers, the Legacy Corporation is seeking responses by 30 November 2013 to inform the first phase of work. The register will remain open until November 2018.

Overlooking the beautiful Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, Hackney Wick is one of London's fastest-growing and most innovative creative communities.  Home of the emerging technology sector at iCITY, Techpark and the East London corridor, and with over 600 creative industry workspaces, Hackney Wick has the world’s largest number of artists per square metre.  Around this highly entrepreneurial community is a growing arts scene, with galleries, festivals, pop-ups and restaurants. Multi-million-pound plans are also in place to improve Hackney Wick Overground station during the next three years. This investment will transform the area around the station – a fitting hub for a destination that will offer business space, restaurants, new homes, cafés, shops and parklands, as well as a 6,000-seat multi-use venue.

Karakusevic Carson Architects and Witherford Watford Mann have been appointed by the London Legacy Development Corporation to develop a masterplan framework, with property consultants, Lambert Smith Hampton, advising on delivery. Karakusevic Carson Architects and Witherford Watford Mann have longstanding expertise in this non-typical area of London and will articulate a vision that builds upon Hackney Wick’s unique cultural character. As part of the consultation, local stakeholders have already been invited to submit their ideas and aspirations.

Further information can be found at www.hackneywick-E9.co.uk or by contacting the Legacy Corporation’s property advisors Lambert Smith Hampton at hackneywick@lsh.co.uk

Dennis Hone, Chief Executive of the London Legacy Development Corporation, said: ‘This is an exciting opportunity to help shape one of London’s most up-and-coming neighbourhoods.  Hackney Wick has tremendous potential and has always been at the heart of our legacy plans from the London 2012 Olympic Games and Paralympic Games.  Our vision is for Hackney Wick to be a vibrant, mixed use area that supports existing occupiers and, through sensitive refurbishment and development, is an attractive location for new occupiers – both businesses and residents.”