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The next phase of LLDC and Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park

The next phase of LLDC and Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park

Story 07/03/2023

Last year we enjoyed an incredible year of celebrations to mark the tenth anniversary of London 2012 and the significant achievements of what many view as the greatest example of Olympic and Paralympic legacy to date.

These include the physical transformation of Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park into a major visitor destination and a thriving residential and business district, the creation of a wide range of employment and skills opportunities for local communities, and a £1.1 billion investment into East Bank which will see world-leading cultural and academic institutions establishing themselves in east London in the coming years.

Looking ahead to the next ten years and beyond, LLDC has been working closely with the four Growth Boroughs (the London Boroughs of Hackney, Newham, Tower Hamlets and Waltham Forest) and the GLA, as well as a range of other partners, to determine long-term arrangements for the operation and oversight of Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, and the evolution of LLDC’s role as a Mayoral Development Corporation.

A set of recommendations from the LLDC Board were agreed in full by the Mayor of London in September and can be found here.  This means that LLDC’s Town Planning powers will return to the four Growth Boroughs on 1 December 2024, and LLDC will maintain its status as a Mayoral Development Corporation and a functional body of the GLA beyond 1 April 2025 but with reduced functions, a reconstituted Board and governance structure, and a reduced area (subject to consultation).

This decision from the Mayor marks a significant moment as we look ahead to the next phase of the legacy project, the ongoing creation of an amazing and unique destination at Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, and the continuing focus on improving the lives of local communities in east London.

In line with the Mayor of London’s legal requirement to consult on any changes to a Mayoral development area, LLDC is undertaking a consultation on his behalf on a proposed reduction of the LLDC area to the core area in which it owns and/or managed or operates land.

The consultation can be found here and will run for a period of two months. We invite responses to this proposal by the deadline of 7 May 2023, via the online form or email address include in the consultation document.

Once all responses have been received they will be analysed and a recommendation put to the Mayor of London about any future changes to the Mayoral development area.

Meanwhile, LLDC’s drive and commitment to deliver on our legacy promises remains as strong as ever. We will continue to work with partners to connect local residents to the benefits of ongoing growth in and around Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, and to achieve transformational change in east London.