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Timber Lodge Café and Tumbling Bay Playground win prestigious architectural awards

Timber Lodge Café and Tumbling Bay Playground win prestigious architectural awards

Story 10/03/2014

Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park’s Timber Lodge Café and Tumbling Bay Playground were commended for its accessibility and universal design at the Civic Trust Awards ceremony on Friday 7 March.

Café and Playground with Prestigious Award

At the ceremony in Blackpool, the London Legacy Development Corporation was honoured with two awards alongside erect architecture and other key partners responsible for the scheme design and delivery. 

The Legacy Corporation came away with a 2014 Civic Trust Award and the Selwyn Goldsmith Award for Universal Design, awarded in recognition of the architect and founding figure of universal design, Selwyn Goldsmith. 

The scheme, delivering a playground, café, community spaces and park facilities, has become a popular visitor destination in the north of the Park since it opened in June 2013. Designed and built in accordance with the Legacy Corporation’s Inclusive Design Strategy and Standards, it builds on those developed by the ODA for the London 2012 Games and was described by judges as “an exemplar in accessibility and universal design”.