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Celebrating jobs and careers on Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park

Celebrating jobs and careers on Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park

Story 18/08/2014

More than 5,000 people have already played a part in building and transforming London’s newest Park and in total more than 20,000 jobs could be created by 2030. We want to make sure that local residents have access to those jobs, apprenticeships and training programmes.


On our social media channels this week, we will be celebrating how local residents have helped to shape and transform this unique space into the world-class attraction it is today. Find out how organisations like The Landscape Group and ArcelorMittal Orbit operators Cofely GDF Suez have recruited from the Park’s surrounding areas and what impact this has had.

For more information on how the transformation of the Park has brought jobs and skills to the local boroughs, take a look at our infographic below.

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