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Have your say: LLDC launches Bromley-by-Bow engagement plan to improve access to public realm and transport links

Have your say: LLDC launches Bromley-by-Bow engagement plan to improve access to public realm and transport links

Press Release 01/06/2023

  • Pop-up stands where local residents and businesses can have their say about improving where they live

The London Legacy Development Corporation (LLDC) is calling on local people to share their views on how we can improve walking, cycling and access to public transport for everyone. We are also looking at ways we can make the area greener, cleaner and safer.

The area of Bromley-by-Bow between the A12 and River Lea is undergoing major change and we want to make sure that the local streets and places are fit for the future.

We will support the area to become:

  • Greener to help reduce pollution and for the area to be more attractive
  • Cleaner and more open and a place where local people can spend time in
  • Safer, particularly at night
  • More accessible for local people including getting around the local and surrounding neighbourhoods with improved connectivity including public transport

Today we are launching an initial pack of engagement activities including an online survey, accessible here: https://form.typeform.com/to/gATfwzTT

The team will also hold pop-up engagement events in Bromley-by-Bow at the following dates, times and locations, where you can come and find out more and have your say:

Pop-up 1: Thursday 8th June – 11:00 am to 1:30 pm - Next to Tesco Bromley-by-Bow Superstore (Hancock Road entrance)

Pop-up 2: Thursday 8th June - 3:30 pm to 6:00 pm - Three Mill Lane canal bridge

Pop-up 3: Friday 9th June – 8:00 am to 10:30 am - Bromley-by-Bow Station

To keep in touch with the project, feed-back on proposals and/or sign-up to the focus group, please get in touch via the contact details below to hear more. LiamMorrisey@londonlegacy.co.uk

We also plan to establish a Community Consultation Focus Group.

LLDC has commissioned a team led by landscape architects and transport planners Urban Movement, to develop improvement s to connections and the local environment. The team will work with residents, visitors and other stakeholders to ensure the local community at Bromley-by-Bow have their say on improving the livability and opportunities for walking, wheeling, cycling and accessing public transport, and will include a range of ideas including quick-wins and improvements delivered in the medium and long term.

The team is led by Urban Movement, with advice from Civic Engineers and New Practice leading on engagement. Working with LLDC, London Borough of Tower Hamlets, London Borough of Newham, Transport for London and local landowners, the team will develop a strategy for quickly starting to make improvements to support sustainable travel choices and improve the appearance and feel of the local streets and places; as well as investigating ways to improve access across the A12 linking new and existing communities.

The role of local people is crucial to help shape these ideas, we want to hear from people who know the area best, including local residents and regular visitors; feedback will genuinely help shape what elements are taken forward towards delivery.