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Contact us

If you have a comment or question about the Park itself, you can call our customer service helpline on 0800 0722 110 (helpline hours are 8am to 8pm), or email customerservices@queenelizabetholympicpark.co.uk. For concerts and events at London Stadium, see contact details below.

You should always call 999 first if you are in any danger.

You can also follow us on Twitter, find us on Facebook, LinkedIn, and on Instagram.

Venue enquiries

For general enquiries for individual venues, please contact the below:   

London Stadium

Email: customerservice@london-stadium.com

Telephone: 020 8522 6001

Copper Box Arena

Email: copperboxarena@gll.org

Telephone: 020 8221 4900

London Aquatics Centre  

Email: londonaquaticscentreinfo@everyoneactive.com

Telephone: 020 8536 3150

Lee Valley Hockey and Tennis Centre

Email: lvhockeyandtennis@gll.org

Telephone: 0300 003 0613

Lee Valley VeloPark: 

Email: Lvvelopark@gll.org
Telephone: 0300 003 0613

Riverside East

Email: hello@riverside-east.co.uk

Telephone 020 7160 6370

Zip World London | ArcelorMittal Orbit

Telephone: 01248 601 444

Corporate enquiries

To get in touch with the London Legacy Development Corporation, the organisation responsible for developing and managing the Park, please use the following details.


You can send post to us at:

London Legacy Development Corporation
Floor 9
5 Endeavour Square
E20 1JN

Alternatively, you can email lldcreception@londonlegacy.co.uk.


It is easier to get in touch with us via email, however if you do need to call, please contact us on 020 3288 1800 Monday – Friday between 9am and 4.30pm. Please be aware we work to a hybrid model and it’s not always possible to answer calls.

Freedom of Information

If you wish to make a request for information held by the London Legacy Development Corporation you do not need to know which Act applies; we will determine the most appropriate legislative procedures for your particular request. 

Please go to this page for more information on how to submit a request.

More information

Planning Enquiries

LLDC’s planning functions as Local Planning Authority ceased on 1st December 2024.

Under the requirements of the London Legacy Development Corporation (Establishment & Planning Functions) (Amendment & Revocation) Order 2024, all planning applications, appeals or enforcement cases which have not been determined by the LLDC have been forwarded to the relevant London Borough for decision.  For all planning enquiries for sites and property within the LLDC area, please now contact the relevant London Borough via this link: https://www.queenelizabetholympicpark.co.uk/transfer-planning-powers

Press enquiries

For all media enquiries, please call the Press Office on +44 (0)20 3734 9010.

You can find a selection of images for the Park here. If you want to request a specific image, you can contact the Press Office by calling +44 (0) 20 3734 9010, which is staffed 24/7, or emailing press@queenelizabetholympicpark.co.uk, which is staffed during office hours only. Please note, the Press Office cannot deal with general enquiries about the Park from visitors.

Feedback and complaints

The London Legacy Development Corporation is committed to providing a high quality service to everyone we deal with, including visitors to Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park.

In order to do this we need you to give us any comments about our service, and to tell us when we get things wrong. 

If you are making a complaint, we want to help you resolve it as quickly as possible. Please contact us at customerservices@queenelizabetholympicpark.co.uk

You can find more information on our complaints policy, including how we handle each complaint, here.

Reporting a Safeguarding issue

As part of our commitment to safeguarding children and vulnerable adults on the Park, we have a dedicated Safeguarding Officer and a mailbox for reporting any issues. If you are concerned about a safeguarding issue on the Park, please email safeguarding@londonlegacy.co.uk

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