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Business volunteering
Just as the Park physically connects communities across east London, our goal is also to connect individuals and businesses around the Park to help each other where possible.
Group and corporate volunteering
Group or corporate volunteering can be rewarding and fun! In conjunction with Our Parklife and idverde, LLDC has developed a range of exciting corporate volunteering opportunities on the Park including:
- Large scale planting
- Wetland habitat management
- Meadow scything
- Biodiversity counting …and more!
Through our Park-based group volunteering we offer:
- Team building
- Direct investment in Park and ‘Legacy Projects’
- Opportunities to tailor tasks to group needs, company campaign days or staff skills
- Quantifiable social and environmental value resulting from activities
If you're an organisation that would like to get involved in group volunteering at the Park, please fill our application form: Corporate Volunteering Application Form – Our Parklife
For more information, please read our guide to corporate volunteering.
Individual professional skills volunteering is also hugely in demand. That’s why we partner with Echo to maximise opportunities for skills exchange, for free.
Echo stands for Economy of Hours: a marketplace without money. Its members trade skills, services or resources they have for those they need, using a currency called Echoes. One hour of someone’s time equals one Echo.
Individuals and organisations, of any type or size, can join the scheme for free. For more information, visit the Echo website.