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The Legacy Corporation has identified four priority themes which will underpin every aspect of our work, in areas such as internal operations, planning legacy communities and defining operating arrangements for venues.
The themes reflect the political priorities of the Legacy Corporation’s partners and stakeholders and the unique context of the work being undertaken.
The four themes are:
1. Delivering inclusive growth and community wellbeing
This is about ensuring that growth in and around Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park brings with it real and tangible benefits for local communities; that future investment goes hand in hand with fairness and equality; that local people are have the opportunity to input into the future development of the Park; and that the legacy of the London 2012 Games continues to improve the lives of the people of east London in a range of different ways.
2. Delivering inclusion and diversity
Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park lies in one of the most diverse areas of the UK. In addition to its statutory duties, the Legacy Corporation needs to take this diversity into account in order to attract the best talent, to understand how its decisions impact on different communities and groups, and to create and manage community-focused parklands, venues, homes, events, and commercial and retail opportunities.
Download the Equality and Inclusion Policy
Download the Inclusive Design Strategy
(Please note, if you are using Internet Explorer to access this page, you can download the files by right-clicking on the document name and selecting 'Save Target As'.)
3. Delivering high quality design
Architectural, urban and landscape design will be essential elements for creating places within Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, and the wider Legacy Corporation area, that are engaging, safe, usable and beautiful, and which create and maintain value over the long term.
Download the Design Quality Policy
Download the Inclusive Design Standards
(Please note, if you are using Internet Explorer to access this page, you can download the files by right-clicking on the document name and selecting 'Save Target As'.)
4. Sustainable development
The Legacy Corporation will establish clear standards for environmental performance and making the most of natural and built assets to meet the challenges posed by climate change mitigation and adaptation.
Our ambition is that Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park will be used as a benchmark for future large scale regeneration projects and also to lead the way in encouraging sustainable living. The Sustainability Guide will help inform all our work at the Legacy Corporation which we will embed throughout our processes, procedures and contracts.
Download the Sustainability Guide
(Please note, if you are using Internet Explorer to access this page, you can download the files by right-clicking on the document name and selecting 'Save Target As'.)
Intrusive works policy
This policy has been produced in order to afford a greater level of structured control and provide clear guidance to intrusive/disruptive works; that will or are likely to affect Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, its assets within the boundaries of the Park together with pedestrian/cyclist/vehicle movements throughout the estate.