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Supplementary Planning Documents

Supplementary Planning Documents (SPD’s) provide detailed guidance on the application of particular policies and site allocations within the Local Plan. They do not, however, create new policies. The Legacy Corporation has prepared and adopted seven SPD’s:

  • Planning Obligations
  • Carbon Offset Solutions
  • Bromley-by-Bow
  • Hackney Wick & Fish Island
  • Pudding Mill
  • Evening and Night-time Economy

More SPDs

Getting to Net Zero SPD

Local Plan Policy S.2 ‘Energy in new development’ sets out that developments will be expected to minimise carbon dioxide emissions to the fullest extent possible by application of the Energy Hierarchy. Where carbon reduction targets cannot be met on site, a financial contribution to the Legacy Corporation Carbon Off-setting Fund will be required. The carbon price that would be applied and the mechanisms for collecting and allocating any carbon offsetting monies that result are set out in the Getting to Net Zero SPD, formerly entitled the Carbon Offsetting SPD.

The SPD was adopted by the Legacy Corporation on 7 October 2022. The SPD, together with its adoption notice and the accompanying consultation report can be viewed and/or downloaded using the link below:


The revised Getting to Net Zero SPD (October 2022) supersedes the Carbon Offset SPD August 2016. 

Local Plan Policy S.2 ‘Energy in new development’ establishes the principle of carbon offsetting as a potential way in which the carbon reduction targets for new developments can be met. The policy commits the Legacy Corporation to the preparation of an SPD that sets out the approach to the carbon price that would be applied and the mechanisms for collecting and allocating any carbon offsetting monies that result.

The SPD was adopted by the Legacy Corporation on 31 August 2016. The SPD, together with its adoption notice and the accompanying consultation report can be viewed and/or downloaded using the link below.

Planning Obligations SPD

The Planning Obligations SPD was adopted by the Legacy Corporation on 7 October 2022, providing guidance on the relationship  between planning obligations (Section 106 Agreements) and the Community  Infrastructure Levy (CIL). It also provides guidance on key matters where planning  obligations might be sought. The SPD, together with its adoption notice and the accompanying consultation report can be viewed and/or downloaded using the link below:

The Planning Obligations SPD was originally adopted in November 2016 following the adoption of the LLDC Local Plan (2015). This SPD has been superseded by the revised Planning Obligations SPD October 2022, please see above. The superseded SPD November 2016, together with its adoption notice and the accompanying consultation report can be viewed and/or downloaded using the link below: 

Bromley-by-Bow SPD

This SPD has been prepared in order to provide additional guidance on development within the area of the Local Plan Bromley-by-Bow Site Allocation (SA4.1). The SPD is accompanied by an illustrative masterplan for the area at Bromley-by-Bow South which is supported by a Public Realm Strategy and a range of environmental testing reports.

The SPD, was adopted by the Legacy Corporation on the 27 April 2017. It along with the adoption and consultation statement, the illustrative masterplan and its supporting documents can be viewed and/or downloaded below:

Environmental reports

The Legacy Corporation also prepared and consulted on the Strategic Environmental Assessment Screening (SEA) documents, for this SPD in accordance with Directive 2001/42/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on the Assessment of the Effects of Certain Plans and Programmes on the Environment and the Environmental Assessment of Plans and Programmes Regulations 2004. The final screening report and determination statement can be downloaded below:

Environmental reports

The Legacy Corporation also prepared and consulted on the Strategic Environmental Assessment Screening (SEA) documents, for this SPD in accordance with Directive 2001/42/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on the Assessment of the Effects of Certain Plans and Programmes on the Environment and the Environmental Assessment of Plans and Programmes Regulations 2004. The final screening report and determination statement can be downloaded below:

Pudding Mill SPD

This SPD provides additional guidance on development within the area of the Local Plan Pudding Mill Site Allocation (SA4.3).

The SPD was adopted by the Legacy Corporation on 31 March 2017. The SPD, together with its adoption statement can be viewed and/or downloaded using the links below:

Night-time Economy SPD

This SPD has been prepared to provide additional guidance on policies relating to cultural and night time economy uses contained within the adopted Local Plan 2020. 

The SPD was adopted by the Legacy Corporation on 20 July 2021. The SPD and Adoption and Consultation Report can be viewed and/or downloaded below: 

Evening and Night-time Economy SPD (July 2021)
Adoption Notice
Consultation Report, July 2021

In order to satisfy the requirements of Environmental Assessment of Plans and Programmes Regulations (2004) and European Directive 2001/42/EC a SEA Screening Opinion has been produced the Legacy Corporation the boroughs and Environmental bodies on a draft screening opinion. Responses confirmed that no SEA was required. The final SEA Screening Opinion is available below.

Final Screening Opinion

Hackney Wick and Fish Island SPD

This SPD is intended to provide detailed guidance for development proposals within Hackney Wick and Fish Island. In particular, this includes guidance on employment uses and locations, new housing and the development of the new neighbourhood centre. Guidance is also provided on the approach to delivery of new connections and other infrastructure. 

The SPD was adopted by the Legacy Corporation on 22 March 2018. The SPD and Adoption & Consultation Statement can be viewed and/or downloaded below: 

The SPD is supported by the following documents that can be viewed and/or downloaded below:


SEA screening for the Hackney Wick Fish Island SPD

Between 18 June and 23 July 2015, the Legacy Corporation consulted on the Strategic Environmental Assessment Screening (SEA) document, for this SPD in accordance with Directive 2001/42/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on the Assessment of the Effects of Certain Plans and Programmes on the Environment and the Environmental Assessment of Plans and Programmes Regulations 2004. As a result of this screening and consultation it was concluded that SEA would not be required. The final screening document and determination statement can be viewed and/or downloaded below:

Housing Density Study

The Legacy Corporation has produced a housing Density Study to provide a guide to appropriate development densities in the Legacy Corporation area. The Study will help to achieve appropriate densities and aid housing delivery, while sustaining appropriate residential quality and accessibility in the neighbourhoods where development would occur.

 The Housing Density Study can be viewed and/or downloaded using the links below:

Characterisation Study

The Legacy Corporation Characterisation Study has been prepared to support the review of the Legacy Corporation Local Plan and act as a reference for development proposals within the Legacy Corporation area. It provides a detailed picture of the character of the Legacy Corporation area today and how it has evolved focused around the four sub areas identified within the Local Plan.

The study identifies the physical characteristics of the area as a whole and breaks this down into character areas, identifying key positive and negative features. This is combined with planning information to determine the potential impacts on character. The aim of the study is to provide an in depth understanding of the character of the Legacy Corporation area today and how it has evolved to this point, to provide guidance and parameters to influence future development in the area. 

Leyton Mills SPD

The Leyton Mills SPD sets out a vision and planning guidance for the delivery of the new Leyton Mills neighbourhood. Made up of three key development sites, the Leyton Mills neighbourhood represents a significant opportunity to guide planned, inclusive growth in the borough for the benefit of local people. The SPD will ensure that the sites are developed in a joined up way to achieve enhanced and new green and blue spaces that reduce flood risk and respond to the Climate Emergency, improved transport, connectivity and air quality, new jobs and cultural destinations and bring forward high quality sustainable and affordable homes.

This supplementary planning document has been prepared jointly by the London Borough of Waltham Forest and London Legacy Development Corporation.

The SPD was adopted by the Legacy Corporation on 18 July 2024. The SPD, together with its consultation report and other associated documents, including the SPF adoption Notice can be viewed and/or downloaded from the London Borough of Waltham Forest website using the link below:



Why we have prepared this SPD jointly

The SPD area, while entirely within the LB of Waltham Forest, is within the Local Planning Authority (LPA) areas of both the LLDC and the Council. Specifically, the areas of Eton Manor and Temple Mills are within the LLDC LPA area. As a result, the SPD has been prepared within the context of both the new Waltham Forest Local Plan Part 1 (anticipated for adoption in 2024) and the LLDC Local Plan (2020).

The LLDC is due to transfer its planning powers back to the four Growth Boroughs, including Waltham Forest from 1st December 2024. You can find further information on our website https://www.queenelizabetholympicpark.co.uk/transfer-planning-powers.

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