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London Legacy Development Corporation awarded £120,000 grant by Spirit of 2012 charity for new project with Elevate Youth Board

London Legacy Development Corporation awarded £120,000 grant by Spirit of 2012 charity for new project with Elevate Youth Board

Press Release

London Legacy Development Corporation awarded £120,000 grant by Spirit of 2012 charity for new project with Elevate Youth Board

Spirit of 2012, the official London 2012 legacy funder, the London Legacy Development Corporation (LLDC) and Elevate, an inclusive youth leadership programme, have agreed to work together on a £120,000 programme to ensure the perspective and experience of young east Londoners continues to shape the legacy of the London 2012 Games.

The London 2012 Legacy Partnership project will see the Elevate board, made up of fifteen 18-25 years olds from Hackney, Newham, Tower Hamlets and Waltham Forest, working with LLDC to launch a fund that will see events for local people and organisations at Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park and the surrounding boroughs, gathering insight on the legacy of the London 2012 Games to date and future legacy. The findings will be used to decide the priorities for how the fund will be spent throughout 2024.

Elevate are taking the lead in co-designing and managing the project with the support of LLDC and Spirit of 2012, to ensure that the future legacy always remains relevant to young people and the diverse local communities living in East London boroughs which hosted the London 2012 Games.

Ruth Hollis, Chief Executive, Spirit of 2012 said: “It is exciting to be working with LLDC on something which is so intrinsically linked to the reason why Spirit of 2012 was originally founded. A decade ago, the National Lottery Community Fund tasked us to use our time and funds to establish a nationwide social legacy from the London 2012 Games and continue the promise to Inspire a Generation. As Spirit now celebrates its 10th birthday and readies for closure by 2026, it is fitting that one of our last grants is set to involve the young people on the Elevate Board, who do so much positive work in East London communities who experienced that legacy firsthand and give them a say on how it will continue.”

James Kaguima, Chair of Elevate, said: “I'm excited about Elevate's collaboration with Spirit of 2012 as we embark on a journey to not only reflect on the legacy of the London 2012 Games but also actively contribute to shaping its future. By Elevate leading this project, we're empowering diverse voices to co-create a narrative that reflects our community's aspirations helping to make it meaningful and relevant for years to come. It's a testament to the impactful social change that can happen when young people are given the platform to influence and create a positive impact for our community and future generations.”

Lyn Garner, CEO, LLDC, said: “This generous grant from the Spirit of 2012 shows how local young people are at the heart of the legacy from the London 2012 Games. This money will enable Elevate to continue their brilliant work with young people who live in and around Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park.”